* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const Acl = require('../core/acl');
const Utils = require('../utils/utils');
const Bean = require('./bean');
const BeanCollection = require('./bean-collection');
const MixedBeanCollection = require('./mixed-bean-collection');
* The data manager handles the beans and collections life cycle. It provides
* an API to declare data classes, instantiate them, and synchronize the data
* with the server. It relies on the data structure defined by the application
* metadata.
* ** The data manager provides:**
* - An interface to declare bean and collection classes from metadata
* - Factory methods for creating instances of beans and bean collections
* - Factory methods for creating instances of bean relations and relation
* collections
* - A custom implementation of `Backbone.sync`
* **Data model metadata**
* The metadata is used to describe the data model. It contains information
* about module fields and relationships.
* From the following sample metadata, the data manager would declare two
* classes: Opportunities and Contacts.
* ```
* var metadata = {
* modules: {
* Opportunities: {
* fields: {
* name: { ... },
* ...
* }
* },
* Contacts: { ... }
* },
* relationships: {
* opportunities_contacts: { ... },
* ...
* }
* };
* ```
* **Working with beans**
* Declare bean classes from metadata payload.
* `declareModels` should be called at application start-up and whenever the
* metadata changes:
* ```
* const DataManager = require('./data-manager');
* DataManager.declareModels(metadata);
* ```
* You may now create bean instances using factory methods.
* ```
* var opportunity = DataManager.createBean(
* 'Opportunities',
* { name: 'Cool opportunity' }
* );
* // You can save a bean using the standard `Backbone.Model.save` method.
* // The save method will use the data manager's sync method to communicate
* // changes to the remote server.
* opportunity.save();
* // Create an empty collection of contacts.
* var contacts = DataManager.createBeanCollection('Contacts');
* // Fetch a list of contacts
* contacts.fetch();
* ```
* **Working with relationships**
* ```
* var attrs = {
* firstName: 'John',
* lastName: 'Smith',
* // relationship field
* opportunityRole: 'Influencer'
* }
* // Create a new instance of a contact related to an existing opportunity
* var contact = DataManager.createRelatedBean(opportunity, null, 'contacts', attrs);
* // This will save the contact and create the relationship
* contact.save(null, { relate: true });
* // Create an instance of contact collection related to an existing opportunity
* var contacts = DataManager.createRelatedCollection(opportunity, 'contacts');
* // This will fetch related contacts
* contacts.fetch({ relate: true });
* ```
* @module Data/DataManager
// Bean class cache
var _models = {};
// Bean collection class cache
var _collections = {};
* Gets the relationship name given the module and the link name.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {string} link The link name.
* @return {string|boolean} relationship The relationship name or `false` if it
* is empty or undefined.
* @private
const getRelationshipName = function(module, link) {
let vardefs = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module);
let relationship = vardefs.fields[link] && vardefs.fields[link].relationship;
if (!relationship) {
return false;
return relationship;
* @alias module:Data/DataManager
const DataManager = _.extend({
* Reference to the base bean model class constructor. Defaults to
* {@link Data/Bean}.
* @type {Function}
beanModel: Bean,
* Reference to the base bean collection class constructor. Defaults to
* {@link Data/BeanCollection}.
* @type {Function}
beanCollection: BeanCollection,
* Reference to the base mixed bean collection class constructor. Defaults
* to {@link Data/MixedBeanCollection}.
* @type {Function}
mixedBeanCollection: MixedBeanCollection,
* Initializes the data manager.
init: function() {
var sync = _.bind(this.sync, this);
this.beanModel.prototype.sync = sync;
this.beanCollection.prototype.sync = sync;
* Fires when the sync operation starts.
* Three parameters are passed to the callback:
* * operation name (`method`)
* * reference to the model/collection
* * options
* ```
* const Events = require('../core/events');
* Events.on('data:sync:start', function(method, model, options) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Started operation ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:start
* Fires when the sync operation ends.
* Four parameters are passed to the callback:
* * operation name (`method`)
* * reference to the model/collection
* * options
* * request (SUGAR.Api.HttpRequest)
* ```
* const Events = require('../core/events');
* Events.on('data:sync:complete', function(method, model, options, request) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Finished operation " + method + " on " + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:complete
* Fires when the sync operation ends successfully.
* Four parameters are passed to the callback:
* - operation name (`method`)
* - reference to the model/collection
* - options
* - request (SUGAR.Api.HttpRequest)
* ```
* const Events = require('../core/events');
* Events.on('data:sync:success', function(method, model, options, request) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Finished operation ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:success
* Fires when the sync operation ends unsuccessfully.
* Four parameters are passed to the callback:
* * operation name (`method`)
* * reference to the model/collection
* * options
* * error (SUGAR.Api.HttpError)
* ```
* const Events = require('../core/events');
* Events.on('data:sync:error', function(method, model, options, error) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Operation failed ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:error
* Fires when the sync operation was aborted.
* Four parameters are passed to the callback:
* * operation name (`method`)
* * reference to the model/collection
* * options
* * request {@link SUGAR.Api.HttpRequest}
* ```
* const Events = require('../core/events');
* SUGAR.App.events.on('data:sync:abort', function(method, model, options, request) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Operation aborted ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:abort
* Resets class declarations.
* @param {string} [module] The module name from which to remove the bean
* and collection class. If not specified, resets bean and collection
* classes of all modules.
reset: function (module) {
* Resets bean class declarations.
* @param {string} [module] The module name from which to remove the bean
* class. If not specified, resets bean classes of all modules.
resetModel: function (module) {
if (module) {
delete _models[module];
} else {
_models = {};
* Resets collection class declarations.
* @param {string} [module] The module name from which to remove the
* collection class. If not specified, resets collection classes of all
* modules.
resetCollection: function (module) {
if (module) {
delete _collections[module];
} else {
_collections = {};
* Declares bean model and collection classes for a given module and caches
* them.
* @param {string} moduleName Module name.
* @param {Object} module Module metadata object.
* @param {string} platform The platform name.
* @param {Object} [modelController] The bean controller to declare.
* @param {Object} [collectionController] The collection controller to declare.
declareModel: function(moduleName, module, platform, modelController, collectionController) {
// Bug 54814 init fields to something sane if module metadata is empty
platform = platform || SUGAR.App.config.platform || 'base';
this.declareModelClass(moduleName, module, platform, modelController);
this.declareCollectionClass(moduleName, platform, collectionController);
* Declares the bean model class for a given module.
* @param {string} moduleName The module name.
* @param {string} module The module metadata.
* @param {string} platform The platform name.
* @param {Object} [modelController] The model controller.
* @return {Function} The created class.
declareModelClass: function(moduleName, module, platform, modelController) {
var platformNamespace = Utils.capitalize(platform);
moduleName = moduleName || platformNamespace + 'Model';
var fields = module ? module.fields : {};
var defaults = null;
_.each(_.values(fields), function(field) {
if (!_.isUndefined(field['default'])) {
if (defaults === null) {
defaults = {};
defaults[field.name] = field['default'];
var baseProperties = {
* The hash of field names and default values.
* This hash should be used instead of the `Backbone.Model#default`
* property. Setting default values is done in
* {@link Data/Bean#initialize} only if the given model is new.
* @memberOf Data/Bean
* @type {Object}
* @instance
_defaults: defaults,
* The module name.
* @memberOf Data/Bean
* @type {string}
* @instance
* @readonly
module: moduleName,
* The list of fields and their vardefs.
* @memberOf Data/Bean
* @type {Object}
* @instance
* @readonly
fields: fields
var superModel = _models[platformNamespace + 'Model'] ||
_models.BaseModel ||
modelController = _.extend(modelController || {}, baseProperties);
return Utils.extendClass(_models, superModel, moduleName, modelController, platformNamespace);
* Declares bean collection class for a given module.
* @param {string} moduleName The module name.
* @param {string} platform The platform name.
* @param {Object} [collectionController] The controller.
* @return {Function} The created class.
declareCollectionClass: function(moduleName, platform, collectionController) {
var platformNamespace = Utils.capitalize(platform);
var modelName = moduleName || platformNamespace + 'Model';
var model = _models[modelName];
moduleName = moduleName || platformNamespace + 'Collection';
if (!model) {
var baseCollectionProperties = {
model: model,
* The module name.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {string}
* @instance
* @readonly
module: moduleName,
* Current collection offset for pagination.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {number}
* @instance
* @readonly
offset: 0
var superCollection = _collections[platformNamespace + 'Collection'] ||
_collections.BaseCollection ||
collectionController = _.extend(collectionController || {}, baseCollectionProperties);
return Utils.extendClass(
* Merges a model with its metadata.
* @param {string} name The module name.
* @param {Object} [module] The module metadata.
mergeModel: function(name, module) {
var fields = module ? module.fields : {};
var defaults = null;
_.each(_.values(fields), function(field) {
if (!_.isUndefined(field['default'])) {
if (defaults === null) {
defaults = {};
defaults[field.name] = field['default'];
var baseProperties = {
* Same as {@link Data/Bean#_defaults}
* @inheritdoc
_defaults: defaults,
* Same as {@link Data/Bean#module}
* @inheritdoc
module: name,
* Same as {@link Data/Bean#fields}
* @inheritdoc
fields: fields
_.extend(_models[name].prototype, baseProperties);
* Gets all bean classes.
* @return {Object} The hash of bean classes.
getModelClasses: function() {
return _models;
* Gets all collection classes.
* @return {Object} The hash of collection classes.
getCollectionClasses: function() {
return _collections;
* Declares bean models and collections classes for each module definition.
* Data manager uses {@link Core.MetadataManager#getModules} method to get
* metadata if `modules` parameter is not specified.
* @param {Object} [modules] metadata hash in which keys are module names
* and values are module definitions.
declareModels: function(modules) {
modules = modules || SUGAR.App.metadata.getModules();
_.each(modules, function(module, name) {
if (!_models[name]) {
this.declareModel(name, module);
} else {
this.mergeModel(name, module);
}, this);
* Gets a bean class.
* @param {string} module The module name to get the bean class from.
* @return {Object} The bean class for the given `module`, or
* `this.beanModel` if not found.
getBeanClass: function(module) {
return _models[module] || this.beanModel;
* Creates an instance of a bean. Example of usage:
* ```
* // Create an account bean. The account's name property will be set to
* // "Acme".
* const DataManager = require('./data-manager');
* var account = DataManager.createBean('Accounts', { name: 'Acme' });
* // Create a team set bean with a given ID
* var teamSet = DataManager.createBean('TeamSets', { id: 'xyz' });
* ```
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {Object} [attrs] Initial values of bean attributes, which
* will be set on the bean.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Data/Bean} A new instance of a bean.
createBean: function(module, attrs, options) {
return _models[module] ? new _models[module](attrs, options) : new DataManager.beanModel(attrs, options);
* Creates instance of a bean collection. Example of usage:
* ```
* const DataManager = require('./data-manager');
* // Creates an empty collection of account beans.
* var accounts = DataManager.createBeanCollection('Accounts');
* ```
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {Data/Bean[]} [models] Initial array or collection of models.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Data/BeanCollection} A new instance of a bean collection.
createBeanCollection: function(module, models, options) {
return _collections[module] ?
new _collections[module](models, options) :
new DataManager.beanCollection(models, options);
* Creates an instance of related {@link Data/Bean} or updates an
* existing bean with link information.
* ```
* // Create a new contact related to the given opportunity.
* const DataManager = require('./data-manager');
* var contact = DataManager.createRelatedBean(opportunity, '1', 'contacts', {
* 'first_name': 'John',
* 'last_name': 'Smith',
* 'contact_role': 'Decision Maker'
* });
* contact.save(null, { relate: true });
* ```
* @param {Data/Bean} bean1 Instance of the first bean.
* @param {Data/Bean|string} beanOrId2 Instance or ID of the second
* bean. A new instance is created if this parameter is `null`.
* @param {string} link Relationship link name.
* @param {Object} [attrs] Bean attributes hash.
* @return {Data/Bean} A new instance of the related bean or existing
* bean instance updated with relationship link information.
createRelatedBean: function(bean1, beanOrId2, link, attrs) {
var relatedModule = this.getRelatedModule(bean1.module, link);
attrs = attrs || {};
if (_.isString(beanOrId2)) {
attrs.id = beanOrId2;
beanOrId2 = this.createBean(relatedModule, attrs);
else if (_.isNull(beanOrId2)) {
beanOrId2 = this.createBean(relatedModule, attrs);
else {
* Relationship link information.
* <pre>
* {
* name: link name,
* bean: reference to the related bean
* isNew: flag indicating that it is a new relationship
* }
* </pre>
* The `link.isNew` flag is used to distinguish between an existing
* relationship and a relationship that is about to be created. Please
* refer to REST API specification for details. In brief, REST API
* supports creating a new relationship for two existing records as
* well as updating an existing relationship (updating relationship
* fields). The `link.isNew` flag equals to `true` by default. The flag
* is set to `false` by data manager once a relationship is created and
* whenever relationships are fetched from the server.
* @memberOf Data/Bean
* @type {Object}
* @name link
* @instance
beanOrId2.link = {
name: link,
bean: bean1,
isNew: true
beanOrId2.setOption('relate', true);
return beanOrId2;
* Creates a new instance of related bean collection.
* ```
* // Create contacts collection for an existing opportunity.
* const DataManager = require('./data-manager');
* var contacts = DataManager.createRelatedCollection(opportunity, 'contacts');
* contacts.fetch({ relate: true });
* ```
* The newly created collection is cached in the given bean instance.
* @param {Data/Bean} bean Bean to link the related beans to.
* @param {string} link Relationship link name.
* @param {Array|Data/BeanCollection} [models] An array of related beans to
* populate the newly created collection with.
* @return {Data/BeanCollection} The created bean collection.
createRelatedCollection: function(bean, link, models) {
var relatedModule = this.getRelatedModule(bean.module, link);
var collection = this.createBeanCollection(relatedModule, models, {
* Link information.
* <pre>
* {
* name: link name,
* bean: reference to the related bean
* }
* </pre>
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @instance
link: {
name: link,
bean: bean
collection.setOption('relate', true);
bean._setRelatedCollection(link, collection);
return collection;
* Creates a collection of beans of different modules.
* @param {Array|Data/BeanCollection} [models] A list of models to
* populate the new collection with.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Data/MixedBeanCollection} Collection of mixed modules
* collection.
createMixedBeanCollection: function(models, options) {
return new DataManager.mixedBeanCollection(models, options);
* Checks if a given module can have multiple relationships via a given
* link.
* @param {string} module Name of the module to do the check for.
* @param {string} link Relationship link name.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the module's link is a
* `many`-type relationship, `false` otherwise.
canHaveMany: function(module, link) {
var meta = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module);
if (!meta || !meta.fields || !meta.fields[link]) {
return false;
var linkType = meta.fields[link].link_type || meta.fields[link]['link-type'];
if (linkType) {
return linkType === 'many';
var name = meta.fields[link].relationship;
var relationship = SUGAR.App.metadata.getRelationship(name);
var rel = relationship.true_relationship_type || relationship.relationship_type;
var t = rel.split('-');
var type;
if (meta.fields[link].side) {
type = meta.fields[link].side === 'left' ? t[0] : t[2];
} else if (relationship.lhs_module !== relationship.rhs_module) {
type = module === relationship.rhs_module ? t[0] : t[2];
} else {
type = (t[0] === 'many' || t[2] === 'many') ? 'many' : 'one';
return type === 'many';
* Gets fields of type `relate` for a given link.
* Example:
* Assumptions:
* - We have 2 modules `Accounts` and `Cases`.
* - `Accounts` has a link field named `cases`, which represents a 1-to-many
* relationship between the 2 modules: A case is linked to one account and
* a account can be linked to many cases.
* To retrieve the field that matches this relationship on the Cases side,
* you can call:
* ```
* var relateField = DataManager.getRelateField('Accounts', 'cases');
* ```
* and you would get the definition of the Cases field that exposes the
* parent Account bean.
* @param {string} parentModuleName Name of the module that has a link field
* named `link`.
* @param {string} link Link name.
* @return {Array} Definitions of the `relate` fields if found or empty
* array if not found.
getRelateFields: function(parentModuleName, link) {
//Overridden to provide safeguard against exception filed in NOMAD-2979
//We couldn't reproduce the issue or find out exact place where data/metadata is inconsistent
var parentModuleDef = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(parentModuleName);
if (!parentModuleDef.fields[link]) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error(`Calling 'getRelateFields' on '${parentModuleName}' with link '${link}' but no fields` +
` have been found. Please fix your metadata.`);
return [];
var relationship = parentModuleDef.fields[link].relationship;
var relatedModule = this.getRelatedModule(parentModuleName, link);
var fields = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(relatedModule).fields;
// Find the opposite link field on related module
var f = _.find(fields, function(field) {
return field.type == "link" && field.relationship == relationship;
if (f) {
f = _.filter(fields, function(field) {
return field.type == "relate" && field.link == f.name;
return f || [];
* Gets relationship fields for a complex relationship.
* Some relationships may have relationship fields, that only makes sense in
* the context of the relationship between 2 modules.
* Use the the following, to get the relationships fields definition of a
* relationship:
* ```
* let relationshipFields = DataManager.getRelationshipFields('Opportunities', 'contacts');
* ```
* @param {string} parentModule Name of the module that has a link field
* called `link`.
* @param {string} link Link name.
* @return {Array} Relationship fields.
* @deprecated
getRelationshipFields: function(parentModule, link) {
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('DataManager#getRelationshipFields is deprecated since 7.10. It will be removed ' +
'in a future release. Please use DataManager#getRelationFields instead');
var ff = null;
var linkField = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(parentModule).fields[link];
if (linkField.rel_fields) {
var relationship = linkField.relationship;
var relatedModule = this.getRelatedModule(parentModule, link);
var fields = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(relatedModule).fields;
// Find the opposite link field on related module
var f = _.find(fields, function(field) {
return field.type == "link" && field.relationship == relationship;
// Find relationship_info field
if (f) {
f = _.find(fields, function(field) {
return field.link == f.name && field.link_type == "relationship_info";
// Extract relationship fields
if (f && f.relationship_fields) {
var fieldNames = _.keys(linkField.rel_fields);
_.each(f.relationship_fields, function(field, name) {
if (_.include(fieldNames, name)) {
if (!ff) ff = [];
return ff;
* Gets relationship fields for a complex relationship.
* Some relationships may have relationship fields, that only makes sense in
* the context of the relationship between 2 modules.
* Use the the following, to get the relationships fields definition of a
* relationship:
* ```
* let relationshipFields = DataManager.getRelationFields('Opportunities', 'contacts');
* ```
* @param {string} module Name of the module that has a link field
* called `link`.
* @param {string} link Link name.
* @return {Array|boolean} Relationship fields. `false` if no fields are
* found.
getRelationFields: function(module, link) {
let moduleFields = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module) && SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module).fields;
if (!moduleFields) {
return false;
let fields = _.filter(moduleFields, (field) => {
return field.link === link && !_.isUndefined(field.rname_link);
if (!fields) {
return false;
return _.pluck(fields, 'name');
* Given a module and a link field name, this method gets the link field
* name of the other module of the relationship.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {string} link The link name for the given module.
* @return {string|boolean} oppositeLink The link field name of the other module
* of the relationship. `false` if not found.
getOppositeLink: function(module, link) {
let relationshipName = getRelationshipName(module, link);
let relatedModule = this.getRelatedModule(module, link);
let relatedVardefs = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(relatedModule);
if (!relatedVardefs || !relatedVardefs.fields) {
return false;
let oppositeLink = _.findWhere(relatedVardefs.fields, {type: 'link', relationship: relationshipName});
if (!oppositeLink) {
return false;
return oppositeLink.name;
* Gets related module name.
* @param {string} module Name of the parent module.
* @param {string} link Relationship link name.
* @return {string|boolean} The name of the related module. `false` if not
* found.
getRelatedModule: function(module, link) {
var meta = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module);
if (!meta || !meta.fields || !meta.fields[link]) {
return false;
let relationship = SUGAR.App.metadata.getRelationship(getRelationshipName(module, link));
if (!relationship) {
return meta.fields[link].module || false;
return meta.fields[link].module || (module === relationship.rhs_module ?
relationship.lhs_module : relationship.rhs_module);
* Returns field definition of a given field.
* @param {string} module The module the field belongs to.
* @param {string} idFieldName Name of the field to retrieve.
getRelatedNameField: function(module, idFieldName) {
return _.find(SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module).fields, function(field) {
if (field.name !== idFieldName && field.id_name === idFieldName) {
return field;
}, this);
* Gets editable fields.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean or collection to
* get fields from.
* @param {Array} [fields] Field names to be checked.
* @return {Object} Hash of editable fields.
getEditableFields: function(model, fields) {
var editableFields = ['id'], //Always have the id included (without the id, the routing will not work correctly)
ignoreTypeList = ["parent", "relate"];
fields = fields || [];
// No fields were specified, try the model's attributes instead
if (!fields.length) {
fields = _.keys(model.attributes);
// Editable fields are fields that are either DB fields, such as
// name, or related fields that do have a real DB field behind them,
// such as opportunity_role (contact_role), that the user has access to edit.
// The following code will filter out fields such as assigned_user_name.
_.each(fields, function(fieldName) {
var fieldValue;
if(model.has(fieldName) && // Model has that field AND
(model.fields[fieldName] && // Field exists in the model AND
(!model.fields[fieldName].source || // (The field does not have a source specified OR
model.fields[fieldName].source !== 'non-db' || // the field's source is something other than 'non-db' OR
!model.fields[fieldName].type || // The field does not have a field type specified OR
ignoreTypeList.indexOf(model.fields[fieldName].type) === -1)) && // The field's source is 'non-db', but the field's type is not in our ignore list) AND
Acl.hasAccessToModel("edit", model, fieldName)) { // The user has access to edit the field
fieldValue = model.get(fieldName);
//FIXME: This if condition is deprecated. It relies on a
//format created by VirtualCollection Mango plugin which
//sidecar does not know about and needs to be be removed.
if (fieldValue && (model.fields[fieldName].type === 'collection') &&
!_.isEmpty(fieldValue.links)) {
_.each(fieldValue.links, function(link) {
} else {
return model.toJSON({
fields: editableFields
* Custom implementation of `Backbone.sync` pattern. Syncs models with
* the remote server using {@link SUGAR.Api}.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method: 'create', 'read', 'update', or
* 'delete'.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Sugar.HttpRequest|boolean} The sync request, or `false` if you
* attempted to load a linked context with no id on a linked bean.
* @fires <b>data:sync:start</b> globally and on the bean, before the
* sync call is made.
sync: function(method, model, options) {
SUGAR.App.logger.trace('data-sync-' + (options.relate ? 'relate-' : '') + method + ": " + model);
options = this.parseOptionsForSync(method, model, options);
var callbacks = this.getSyncCallbacks(method, model, options),
request = null;
model.dataFetched = false;
// trigger global data:sync:start event
this.trigger("data:sync:start", method, model, options);
* Fires on model when the sync operation starts.
* Two parameters are passed to the callback:
* * operation name (`method`)
* * options
* ```
* model.on('data:sync:start', function(method, options) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Started operation ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:start
model.trigger("data:sync:start", method, options);
if (_.isFunction(options.endpoint)) {
request = options.endpoint(
else if (model.link && model.link.bean && options.relate === true) {
// Related data is an object should contain:
// - related bean (including relationship fields) in case of create method
// - just relationship fields in case of update method
// - null for read/delete method
var relatedData = null;
if (method == "create" || method == "update") {
// Pass all fields: bean fields + relationship fields
relatedData = this.getEditableFields(model, options.fields);
// Change 'update' method to 'create' if the relationship is a new one
if (method == "update" && model.link.isNew) {
method = "create";
if (!model.link.bean.id) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Attempted to load linked context with no id on the linked bean: ' +
return false;
request = SUGAR.App.api.relationships(
id: model.link.bean.id,
link: model.link.name,
relatedId: model.id,
related: relatedData
else if (options.favorite) {
request = SUGAR.App.api.favorite(
} else if (options.following) {
request = SUGAR.App.api.follow(
} else if (options.collectionField) {
request = SUGAR.App.api.collection(
id: options.beanId,
field: options.collectionField
} else {
// Use global search API whenever a query is specified or a mixed collection is used
if (options.query || (model instanceof MixedBeanCollection)) {
request = SUGAR.App.api.search(
else if (model.module) {
request = SUGAR.App.api.records(
method == "update" || method == "create" ? this.getEditableFields(model, options.fields) : model.attributes,
} else {
SUGAR.App.logger.error("Unable to sync model with no module");
return request;
* Builds and returns the options to pass to the `sync` request.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Object} A hash of options.
parseOptionsForSync: function(method, model, options) {
options = options || {};
options.params = _.extend({}, options.params);
options.filterDef = options.filter || model.filterDef;
options.method = method;
if (options.view && _.isString(options.view) && method == "read") {
options.params.view = options.view;
if (options.fields && method == "read") {
options.params.fields = options.fields.join(",");
// Track as recently viewed
if(options.viewed === true){
options.params.viewed = "1";
if ((method == "read") && (model instanceof BeanCollection)) {
if (options.offset && options.offset !== 0) {
options.params.offset = options.offset;
if (options.limit || (SUGAR.App.config && SUGAR.App.config.maxQueryResult)) {
options.params.max_num = options.limit || SUGAR.App.config.maxQueryResult;
if (model.orderBy && model.orderBy.field) {
options.params.order_by = model.orderBy.field + ":" + model.orderBy.direction;
if (options.myItems === true) {
options.params.my_items = "1";
if (options.favorites === true) {
options.params.favorites = "1";
if (!_.isEmpty(options.filterDef)) {
var filterDef = Utils.deepCopy(options.filterDef);
// We want to assign to params.filter the filter definition
// itself (the value assigned to the "filter" key).
if (_.has(filterDef, "filter")) {
filterDef = filterDef.filter;
if (!_.isArray(filterDef)) {
filterDef = [filterDef];
options.params.filter = filterDef;
if (!_.isEmpty(options.query)) {
options.params.q = options.query;
if (_.isEmpty(options.module_list) && model.module) {
// Set module list to be the collection's module
options.module_list = [model.module];
if (options.module_list) {
options.params.module_list = options.module_list.join(",");
if ((method === 'update') && (options.lastModified)) {
options.apiOptions = options.apiOptions || {};
options.apiOptions.headers = options.apiOptions.headers || {};
options.apiOptions.headers['X-TIMESTAMP'] = options.lastModified;
return options;
* Gets the `sync` callback functions.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Object} A hash containing the fallowing callback functions:
* 'success', 'error', 'complete', 'abort'.
getSyncCallbacks: function(method, model, options) {
return {
success: this.getSyncSuccessCallback(method, model, options),
error: this.getSyncErrorCallback(method, model, options),
complete: this.getSyncCompleteCallback(method, model, options),
abort: this.getSyncAbortCallback(method, model, options)
* Gets the `success` callback function for the {@link #sync} method.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @return {Function} The `success` callback function.
* @fires <b>data:sync:success</b> globally and on the bean, once the
* sync call is made and is successful.
getSyncSuccessCallback: function(method, model, options) {
var self = this;
return function(data, request) {
model.inSync = true;
model.original_assigned_user_id = model.get("assigned_user_id");
if ((method == "read") && (model instanceof BeanCollection)) {
var offset = options.offset || 0;
data = data || {};
if (_.isNumber(data.next_offset)) {
model.offset = data.next_offset != -1 ? data.next_offset : offset + (data.records || []).length;
model.next_offset = data.next_offset;
model.page = model.getPageNumber(options);
if (!options.update) {
// We need to invalidate the cached version of the total
// when a reset is fired on the collection from actions
// such as filtering. If however, the total is being
// populated from the server response, that will be
// used instead.
model.total = _.isNumber(data.total) ? data.total : null;
if (model instanceof MixedBeanCollection) {
// We need `xmod_aggs` property which are the facets
// for search.
model.xmod_aggs = data.xmod_aggs || null;
model.tags = data.tags || null;
// In a case of a collection field fetch, `next_offset` is
// an object containing the next_offset of each link.
if (_.isObject(data.next_offset)) {
model.offset = data.next_offset;
model.next_offset = data.next_offset;
data = data.records || [];
// Update collection filter/search properties on success
self._updateCollectionProperties(model, options);
if (options.relate === true) {
// Reset the flag to indicate that relationship(s) do exist.
model.link.isNew = false;
if (method != "read") {
// The response for create/update/delete relationship contains updated beans
if (model.link.bean) {
var syncedAttributes = model.link.bean.getSynced(),
updatedAttributes = _.reduce(data.record, function(memo, val, key) {
if (!_.isEqual(syncedAttributes[key], val)) {
memo[key] = val;
return memo;
}, {});
//Once parent model is reset, reset internal synced attributes as well
data = data.related_record;
// Attributes will be set automatically for create/update but not for delete
// Also, break the link
if (method == "delete") {
delete model.link;
model.dataFetched = true;
if (options.success) options.success(data);
// trigger global data:sync:success event
self.trigger("data:sync:success", method, model, options, request);
model.inSync = null;
* Gets the `error` callback function for the sync {@link #sync} method.
* Triggers the global `data:sync:complete` event (registered on
* {@link Core.Events SUGAR.App.events}), as well as on the `model`.
* Executes the abort callback if we are aborting from a previous
* collection fetch request.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The model/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @param {Object} [options.error] Custom `error` callback function to be
* executed.
* @return {Function} The wrapped `error` callback function.
* @fires <b>data:sync:error</b> globally and on the bean, if the
* sync call returned an error.
getSyncErrorCallback: function(method, model, options) {
return _.bind(function(error) {
if (error.request && error.request.aborted) {
var abortCallback = this.getSyncAbortCallback(method, model, options);
return abortCallback(error.request);
SUGAR.App.error.handleHttpError(error, model, options);
this.trigger('data:sync:error', method, model, options, error);
* Fires on model when the sync operation ends unsuccessfully.
* Three parameters are passed to the callback:
* - operation name (`method`)
* - options
* - error {@link SUGAR.Api.HttpError}
* ```
* model.on('data:sync:error', function(method, options, error) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Operation failed:' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:error
model.trigger('data:sync:error', method, options, error);
if (_.isFunction(options.error)) {
}, this);
* Gets the `complete` callback function for the sync {@link #sync} method.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The bean/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @param {Object} [options.complete] Custom `complete` callback
* function to be executed.
* @return {Function} The wrapped `complete` callback function.
* @fires <b>data:sync:complete</b> globally and on the bean/collection,
* once the sync call was complete.
getSyncCompleteCallback: function(method, model, options) {
return _.bind(function(request) {
this.trigger('data:sync:complete', method, model, options, request);
* Fires on model when the sync operation ends.
* Three parameters are passed to the callback:
* - operation name (`method`)
* - options
* - request {@link SUGAR.Api.HttpRequest}
* ```
* model.on('data:sync:complete', function(method, options, request) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Finished operation ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:complete
model.trigger('data:sync:complete', method, options, request);
if (_.isFunction(options.complete)) {
// Prevent memory leaking
options.previousModels = null;
options = {};
}, this);
* Gets the `abort` callback function for the sync {@link #sync} method.
* @param {string} method The CRUD method.
* @param {Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} model The model/collection to
* be synced/read.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @param {Object} [options.abort] Custom `abort` callback
* function to be executed.
* @return {Function} The wrapped `abort` callback function.
* @fires <b>data:sync:abort</b> globally and on the bean/collection, if the
* sync request was aborted.
getSyncAbortCallback: function(method, model, options) {
return _.bind(function(request) {
this.trigger('data:sync:abort', method, model, options, request);
* Fires on model when the sync operation ends.
* Three parameters are passed to the callback:
* - operation name (`method`)
* - options
* - request {@link SUGAR.Api.HttpRequest}
* ```
* model.on('data:sync:abort', function(method, options, request) {
* SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Operation aborted ' + method + ' on ' + model);
* });
* ```
* @event data:sync:abort
model.trigger('data:sync:abort', method, options, request);
}, this);
* Updates various properties on the bean collection passed.
* @param {Data/BeanCollection} model The collection.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @private
_updateCollectionProperties: function (model, options) {
options = options || {};
* Flag indicating if a collection contains items assigned to the
* current user.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {boolean}
* @name myItems
* @instance
* @readonly
model.myItems = options.myItems;
* Flag indicating if a collection contains current user's favorite
* items.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {boolean}
* @name favorites
* @instance
* @readonly
model.favorites = options.favorites;
* Search query.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {string}
* @name query
* @instance
* @readonly
model.query = options.query;
* List of modules searched.
* @memberOf Data/MixedBeanCollection
* @type {string}
* @name modelList
* @instance
* @readonly
model.modelList = options.modelList;
* Filter definition to filter the collection by.
* @memberOf Data/BeanCollection
* @type {Array}
* @name filterDef
* @instance
model.filterDef = options.filterDef;
}, Backbone.Events);
module.exports = DataManager;