* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const Utils = require('../utils/utils');
* View manager is used to create views, layouts, and fields based on optional
* metadata inputs.
* The view manager's factory methods (`createView`, `createLayout`, and
* `createField`) first check `views`, `layouts`, and `fields` hashes
* respectively for custom class declaration before falling back the base class.
* Note the following is deprecated in favor of putting these controllers in the
* `sugarcrm/clients/<platform>` directory, or using one of the appropriate
* factory methods like `createView`, `createField`, or `createLayout`. Using
* either of these idioms, your components will be internally namespaced by
* platform for you. If you do choose to use the following idiom of defining
* your controller directly on `ViewManager.view.<type>`, please be forewarned
* that you will lose any automatic namespacing benefits and possibly encounter
* naming collisions if your controller names are not unique. If you must
* define directly, you may choose to prefix your controller name by your
* application or platform e.g. `MyappMyCustom<Type>` where 'Myapp' is the
* platform prefix.
* Put declarations of your custom views, layouts, fields in the corresponding
* hash (see note above; this is deprecated):
* ```
* const ViewManager = require('./view-manager');
* ViewManager.views.MyappMyCustomView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* ViewManager.layouts.MyappMyCustomLayout = ViewManager.Layout.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* ViewManager.view.fields.MyappMyCustomField = ViewManager.Field.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* ```
* @module View/ViewManager
// Ever incrementing field ID
var _sfId = 0;
* @alias module:View/ViewManager
const ViewManager = {
* Resets class declarations of custom components.
reset: function() {
_.each(this.layouts, function(layout, name) {
delete this.layouts[name];
}, this);
_.each(this.views, function(view, name) {
delete this.views[name];
}, this);
_.each(this.fields, function(field, name) {
delete this.fields[name];
}, this);
* Gets the ID of the most recently created field.
* @return {number} ID of the last created field.
getFieldId: function() {
return _sfId;
* Hash of view classes.
views: {},
* Hash of layout classes.
layouts: {},
* Hash of field classes.
fields: {},
* Creates an instance of a component and binds data changes to it.
* @param {string} type Component type (`layout`, `view`, `field`).
* @param {string} name Component name.
* @param {Object} params Parameters to pass to the Component's class
* constructor.
* @param {string} params.type The component type.
* @param {string} params.module The component's module.
* @param {string} [params.loadModule=params.module] The module to
* create the component from.
* @return {View/Component} New instance of a component.
* @private
_createComponent: function(type, name, params) {
var Klass = this.declareComponent(type, params.type || name, params.loadModule || params.module,
params.controller, false, this._getPlatform(params));
var component = new Klass(params);
return component;
* Creates an instance of a view.
* Examples:
* Create a list view. The view manager will use metadata for the view
* named 'list' defined in Contacts module.
* The controller's current context will be set on the new view instance.
* ```
* var listView = ViewManager.createView({
* type: 'list',
* module: 'Contacts'
* });
* ```
* Create a custom view class. Note the following is deprecated in favor
* of putting these controllers in the `sugarcrm/clients/<platform>`
* directory, or using one of the appropriate factory methods like
* `createView`, `createField`, or `createLayout`. Using that idiom, the
* metadata manager will declare these components and take care of
* namespacing by platform for you. If you do choose to use the
* following idiom please be forewarned that you will lose any
* namespacing benefits and possibly encounter naming collisions!
* ```
* // Declare your custom view class.
* // might cause collisions if another MyCustomView!
* ViewManager.views.MyCustomView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* // if you must define directly on ViewManager.views, you may instead
* // prefer to do:
* ViewManager.views.<YOUR_PLATFORM>MyCustomView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* var myCustomView = ViewManager.createView({
* type: 'myCustom'
* });
* ```
* Create a view with custom metadata payload.
* ```
* var view = ViewManager.createView({
* type: 'detail',
* meta: { ... your custom metadata ... }
* });
* ```
* Look at {@link View/View}, particularly
* {@link View/View#_loadTemplate} for more information on how the
* `meta.template` property can be used.
* @param {Object} params View parameters.
* @param {string} params.type The view identifier (`default`, `base`,
* etc.). Matches the controller to be used.
* @param {string} [params.name=params.type] View name that
* distinguishes between multiple instances of the same view type. This
* matches the metadata to read from {@link Core.MetadataManager} and
* it is the easier way to reuse view types with different
* configurations.
* @param {Object} [params.context=SUGAR.App.controller.context] Context to
* associate the newly created view with.
* @param {string} [params.module] Module name.
* @param {string} [params.loadModule] The module that should be
* considered the base.
* @param {Object} [params.meta] Custom metadata.
* @return {View/View} New instance of view.
createView: function(params) {
// context is always defined on the controller
params.context = params.context || SUGAR.App.controller.context;
params.module = params.module || params.context.get('module');
// name defines which metadata to load
params.name = params.name || params.type;
params.meta = params.meta || SUGAR.App.metadata.getView(params.module, params.name, params.loadModule);
if (params.def && params.def.xmeta) {
params.meta = _.extend({}, params.meta, params.def.xmeta);
// type defines which controller to use
var meta = params.meta || {};
params.type = params.type || meta.type || params.name;
return this._createComponent('view', params.type, params);
* Creates an instance of a layout.
* Parameters define creation rules as well as layout properties.
* The factory needs either layout name or type. Also, the layout type
* must be specified. The layout type is retrieved either from the
* `params` hash or layout metadata.
* Examples:
* Create a list layout. The view manager will use metadata for the
* `list` layout defined in the Contacts module.
* The controller's current context will be set on the new layout
* instance.
* ```
* var listLayout = ViewManager.createLayout({
* type: 'list',
* module: 'Contacts'
* });
* ```
* Create a custom layout class. Note that following is deprecated in
* favor of using the `createLayout` factory or placing controller in
* `sugarcrm/clients/<platform>/layouts` in which case the metadata
* manager will take care of namespacing your controller by platform
* name for you (e.g. MyCustomLayout becomes
* `ViewManager.layouts.MyappMyCustomLayout`).
* ```
* // Declare your custom layout class.
* // might cause collisions if already a MyCustomLayout!
* ViewManager.layouts.MyCustomLayout = ViewManager.Layout.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* // if you must define directly on ViewManager.layouts,
* // you may instead prefer to do:
* ViewManager.layouts.<YOUR_PLATFORM>MyCustomLayout = ViewManager.Layout.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* var myCustomLayout = ViewManager.createLayout({
* type: 'myCustom'
* });
* ```
* Create a layout with custom metadata payload.
* ```
* var layout = ViewManager.createLayout({
* type: 'detail',
* meta: { ... your custom metadata ... }
* });
* ```
* @param {Object} params layout parameters.
* @param {string} [params.type] Layout identifier (`default`, `base`,
* etc.).
* @param {string} [params.name=params.type] Layout name that
* distinguishes between multiple instances of the same layout type.
* @param {Object} [params.context=SUGAR.App.controller.context]
* Context to associate the newly created layout with.
* @param {string} params.module Module name.
* @param {string} [params.loadModule] The module to load the Layout
* from. Defaults to `params.module` or the context's module, in that
* order.
* @param {Object} [params.meta] Custom metadata.
* @return {View/Layout} New instance of the layout.
createLayout: function(params) {
params.context = params.context || SUGAR.App.controller.context;
params.module = params.module || params.context.get('module');
// name defines which metadata to load
params.name = params.name || params.type;
params.meta = params.meta || SUGAR.App.metadata.getLayout(params.module, params.name, params.loadModule);
if (params.def && params.def.xmeta) {
params.meta = _.extend({}, params.meta, params.def.xmeta);
// type defines which controller to use
var meta = params.meta || {};
params.type = params.type || meta.type || params.name;
return this._createComponent('layout', params.type, params);
* Creates an instance of a field and registers it with the parent view
* (`params.view`).
* The parameters define creation rules as well as field properties.
* For example,
* ```
* var params = {
* view: new Backbone.View,
* def: {
* type: 'text',
* name: 'first_name',
* label: 'LBL_FIRST_NAME'
* },
* context: optional context,
* model: optional model,
* meta: optional custom metadata,
* viewName: optional
* }
* ```
* The view manager queries the metadata manager for field type specific
* metadata (templates and JS controller) unless custom metadata is
* passed in the `params` hash.
* Note the following is deprecated in favor of placing custom field
* controllers in `sugarcrm/clients/<platform>/fields` or using the
* `createField` factory.
* To create instances of custom fields, first declare its class in the
* `ViewManager.fields` hash:
* ```
* // might cause collision if MyCustomField already exists!
* ViewManager.fields.MyCustomField = ViewManager.Field.extend({
* // Put your custom logic here
* });
* // if you must define directly on ViewManager.fields
* // you may instead prefer to do:
* ViewManager.fields.<YOUR_PLATFORM>MyCustomField = ViewManager.Field.extend({ ...
* var myCustomField = ViewManager.createField({
* view: someView,
* def: {
* type: 'myCustom',
* name: 'my_custom'
* }
* });
* ```
* @param {Object} params Field parameters.
* @param {Backbone.View} params.view Backbone View object.
* @param {Object} params.def Field definition.
* @param {Object} [params.context=`SUGAR.App.controller.context`] The
* context.
* @param {Object} [params.model] The model to use. If not specified,
* the model which is set on the context is used.
* @param {string} [params.viewName=params.view.name] View name to
* determine the field template.
* @param {boolean} [params.nested] Set to `true` if the field is nested.
* This means it already has a life cycle handler, and should not be
* added to the view's list of fields.
* @return {View/Field} A new instance of field.
createField: function(params) {
var type = params.viewDefs ? params.viewDefs.type : params.def.type;
params.context = params.context || params.view.context || SUGAR.App.controller.context;
params.model = params.model || params.context.get("model");
params.module = params.module || (params.model && params.model.module ? params.model.module : params.context.get('module')) || "";
params.sfId = ++_sfId;
var field = this._createComponent("field", type, params);
if (!params.nested) {
// Register new field within its parent view.
params.view.fields[field.sfId] = field;
} else {
// We still keep a reference of the nested field in the parent view
// to be able to retrieve it using View/View#getField.
params.view.nestedFields[field.sfId] = field;
return field;
* Returns the platform from the given params, falling back to
* `SUGAR.App.config.platform` or else 'base'.
* @param {Object} params Parameters.
* @param {string} [params.platform] The platform (`base`, `portal`, etc.).
* @return {string} The platform.
* @private
_getPlatform: function(params) {
return params.platform || (SUGAR.App.config && SUGAR.App.config.platform ? SUGAR.App.config.platform : 'base');
* Gets a controller of type field, layout, or view.
* @param {Object} params Parameters for the controller.
* @param {string} params.type The controller type.
* @param {string} params.name the filename of the controller
* (e.g. 'flex-list', 'record', etc.).
* @param {string} [params.platform] The platform, e.g. 'portal'.
* Will first attempt to fall back to `SUGAR.App.config.platform`, then
* 'base'.
* @param {string} [params.module] The module name.
* @return {Object|null} The controller or `null` if not found.
* @private
_getController: function(params) {
var c = this._getBaseComponent(params.type, params.name, params.module, params.platform);
//Check to see if we have the module specific class; if so return that
if (c.cache[c.moduleBasedClassName]) {
return c.cache[c.moduleBasedClassName];
return c.baseClass;
* Checks if a component has a certain plugin.
* @param {Object} params Set of parameters passed to function.
* @param {string} params.type Type of component to check.
* @param {string} params.name Name of component to check.
* @param {string} params.plugin Name of plugin to check.
* @param {string} [params.module=''] Name of module to check for custom
* components in.
* @return {boolean|null} `true` if the specified component exists and
* has that plugin, `false` if the component does not exist or lacks
* that plugin, and `null` if incorrect arguments were passed.
componentHasPlugin: function(params) {
var controller;
if (!params.type || !params.name || !params.plugin) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error("componentHasPlugin requires type, name, and plugin parameters");
return null;
controller = this._getController(params);
return controller && controller.prototype &&
_.contains(controller.prototype.plugins, params.plugin);
* Retrieves class declaration for a component or creates a new
* component class.
* This method creates a subclass of the base class if controller
* parameter is not null and such subclass hasn't been created yet.
* Otherwise, the method tries to retrieve the most appropriate class by
* searching in the following order:
* - Custom class name: `<module><component-name><component-type>`.
* For example, for Contacts module one could have:
* `ContactsDetailLayout`, `ContactsFluidLayout`, `ContactsListView`.
* - Class name: `<component-name><component-type>`.
* For example: `ListLayout`, `ColumnsLayout`, `DetailView`, `IntField`.
* - Custom base class: `<capitalized-appId><component-type>`
* For example, if `SUGAR.App.config.appId == 'portal'`, custom base classes
* would be:
* `PortalLayout`, `PortalView`, `PortalField`.
* Declarations of such classes must be in the `ViewManager` namespace.
* There are use cases when an app has some common component code.
* In such cases, using custom base classes is beneficial. For example,
* any app may need to override validation error handling for fields:
* ```
* // Assuming SUGAR.App.config.appId === 'portal':
* ViewManager.PortalField = ViewManager.Field.extend({
* initialize: function(options) {
* // Call super
* ViewManager.Field.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
* // Custom initialization code...
* },
* handleValidationError: function(errors) {
* // Custom validation logic
* }
* });
* ```
* The above declaration will make all field controllers extend
* `ViewManager.PortalField` instead of `ViewManager.Field`.
* - Base class: `<component-type>` - `Layout`, `View`, `Field`.
* Note 1. Although the view manager supports module specific fields
* like `ContactsIntField`, the server does not provide such
* customization.
* Note 2. The layouts is a special case because their class name is
* built both from layout name and layout type. One could have
* `ListLayout` or `ColumnsLayout` including their module specific
* counterparts like `ContactsListView` and `ContactsColumnsLayout`.
* The "named" class name is checked first.
* @param {string} type Lower-cased component type: `layout`, `view`, or
* `field`.
* @param {string} name Lower-cased component name. For example, 'list'
* (layout or view), or 'bool' (field).
* @param {string} [module] Module name.
* @param {string} [controller] Controller source code string.
* @param {boolean} [overwrite] Will overwrite if duplicate
* custom class or layout is cached. Note that if no controller is
* passed, overwrite is ignored since we can't create a meaningful
* component without a controller.
* @param {string} [platform] The platform e.g. 'base', 'portal', etc.
* @return {Function} Component class.
declareComponent: function(type, name, module, controller, overwrite, platform) {
overwrite = !!(controller && overwrite);
var c = this._getBaseComponent(type, name, module, platform, overwrite);
if (overwrite && c.cache[c.moduleBasedClassName]) {
delete c.cache[c.moduleBasedClassName];
return c.cache[c.moduleBasedClassName] ||
Utils.extendClass(c.cache, c.baseClass, c.moduleBasedClassName, controller, c.platformNamespace) ||
* Internal helper function for getting a component (controller). Do not
* call directly and instead use `declareComponent`, etc.
* depending on your needs.
* @param {string} type Lower-cased component type: `layout`, `view`, or
* `field`.
* @param {string} name Lower-cased component name. For example, `list`
* (layout or view), or `bool` (field).
* @param {string} [module] Module name.
* @param {string} [platform] The platform e.g. 'base', 'portal', etc.
* @param {boolean} [overwrite=true] When `true`, custom controller
* overrides will be ignored and only components that exactly match
* the name will be returned. The base class returned is `base`.
* @return {Object} The base component information.
* @return {Object} return.cache The collection of controllers of the
* given component type.
* @return {string} return.platformNamespace The platform prefix.
* @return {string} return.moduleBasedClassName The prefixed class name.
* @return {Object} return.baseClass The class for the base component.
* @private
_getBaseComponent: function(type, name, module, platform, overwrite) {
platform = this._getPlatform({platform: platform});
// The type e.g. View, Field, Layout
var ucType = Utils.capitalize(type);
// The platform e.g. Base, Portal, etc.
var platformNamespace = Utils.capitalize(platform);
// The component name and type concatenated e.g. ListView
var className = Utils.capitalizeHyphenated(name) + ucType;
// The combination of platform, optional module, and className e.g. BaseAccountsListView
var moduleBasedClassName = platformNamespace + (module || "") + className,
customModuleBasedClassName = platformNamespace + (module || "") + "Custom" + className;
var cache = this[type + 's'];
// App id and type fallback
var customBaseClassName = Utils.capitalize(SUGAR.App.config.appId) + ucType;
// Components are now namespaced by <platform> so we must prefix className to find in cache
// if we don't find platform-specific, than we next look in Base<className> and so on
var baseClass = cache[platformNamespace + "Custom" + className] ||
cache[platformNamespace + className] ||
cache["BaseCustom" + className] ||
cache["Base" + className] ||
// For backwards compatibility, if they define ViewManager.views.MyView we should still find
cache[className] ||
cache["BaseBase" + ucType] ||
this['Custom' + customBaseClassName] ||
this[customBaseClassName] ||
// Override to use the custom class instead of the standard one if it exists.
if (cache[customModuleBasedClassName] && !overwrite) {
moduleBasedClassName = customModuleBasedClassName;
return {
cache: cache,
platformNamespace: platformNamespace,
moduleBasedClassName: moduleBasedClassName,
baseClass: baseClass
module.exports = ViewManager;