* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const Acl = require('./acl');
const Events = require('./events');
const Template = require('../view/template');
const User = require('./user');
const Utils = require('../utils/utils');
const Language = require('./language');
const ViewManager = require('../view/view-manager');
const DataManager = require('../data/data-manager');
// Key prefix used to identify metadata in the local storage.
var _keyPrefix = 'meta:';
// Metadata memory cache
var _metadata = {};
//History of md types we have loaded
var _mdLoaded = {};
//Used to keep track if we are currently updating the metadata and prevent premature metadata validation from
//interval functions.
var _syncing = false;
// A set of promises that must be resolved before we can trigger the metadata:sync:complete event.
var externalSyncTasks = [];
function _setHash(data, isPublic) {
var pKey = isPublic ? 'public:' : '';
SUGAR.App.cache.set(_keyPrefix + pKey + 'hash', data._hash);
function _cacheMeta(data) {
SUGAR.App.cache.set(_keyPrefix + 'data', data);
function _getCachedMeta() {
return SUGAR.App.cache.get(_keyPrefix + 'data');
// Adds the language strings to the server metadata object.
// - serverMetadata Metadata from /metadata GET (public or not).
// ** Note we take advantage of pass be reference thus no return
// - labels Object which contains our language strings.
function _injectLabels(serverMetadata, labels) {
_.each(labels, function(value, key) {
if (key !== '_hash') {
serverMetadata[key] = labels[key];
// meta.labels longer needed; don't want it in _metadata or cache!
delete serverMetadata.labels;
// Parses the labels property of metadata which contains
// URL to a JSON file with our language strings.
// - metadata Metadata returned from /metadata GET
function _fetchLabels(metadata, language) {
if (!metadata.ordered_labels && !metadata.labels) {
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((r, e) => {
var labels;
var currentLanguage;
var langStringsUrl;
var userLang = User.getLanguage();
// Grab the lang strings
labels = metadata.ordered_labels || metadata.labels;
// Set the default language
// Since, at this stage, we may or may not have obtained our language yet,
// the labels property contains a 'default' property which we can use as a fallback.
if (language && labels[language]) {
currentLanguage = language;
} else if (labels[userLang]) {
currentLanguage = userLang;
} else {
currentLanguage = Language.getDefaultLanguage();
// since the user's preferred language does not exist, update it to the default language
if (User.id) {
langStringsUrl = Utils.buildUrl(labels[currentLanguage]);
SUGAR.App.api.call('read', langStringsUrl, null, {
success: function(labelsData) {
// In case server is not set up to serve mime-type correctly on .json files,
// e.g. honey-b seems to be misconfigured (probably a "popular misconfiguration")
try {
labelsData = _.isString(labelsData) ? JSON.parse(labelsData) : labelsData;
// Injects lang strings in server metadata. Must do this before the call to self.set in
// case it's overridden by a client (bad!) which expects all meta properties in metadata.
_injectLabels(metadata, labelsData);
catch (ex) {
SUGAR.App.logger.fatal('Failed to parse labels data: ' + ex);
return e({
code: 'sync_failed',
error: function(err) {
//Force a sync fail to prevent possible infinite loops
err.code = 'sync_failed';
err.label = 'ERR_SYNC_FAILED';
// Initializes custom layouts/views templates and controllers
function _initCustomComponents(module, moduleName) {
var self = this;
var platforms = (SUGAR.App.config.platform !== 'base') ? ['base', SUGAR.App.config.platform] : ['base'];
_.each({'layout': 'layout', 'view': 'view', 'fieldTemplate': 'field', 'data': 'data'}, function(type, key) {
// Order and initialize controllers. If this metadata is separated by platform, we need to
// sort each extended type, but, also take in to consideration the "platform weighting" of
// said type (hence, 'base' is always first platform!). Controllers are now only sent via jssource.
if (self._metaTypeIsSeparatedByPlatform(module, key, platforms)) {
_.each(platforms, function(platform) {
var components = module[key + 's'][platform];
self._sortAndDeclareComponents(components, type, moduleName, platform);
// Next pull any templates
_.each(module[key + 's'], function(def, name) {
if (type === 'view' && def.templates) {
_.each(def.templates, function(tplSource, tplName) {
var force = (name === tplName);
tplName = force ? tplName : name + '.' + tplName;
Template.setView(tplName, moduleName, tplSource, true);
if (type === 'layout' && def.templates) {
_.each(def.templates, function(tplSource, key) {
key = (name === key) ? key : name + '.' + key;
Template.setLayout(key, moduleName, tplSource, true);
if (type === 'field' && def.templates) {
_.each(def.templates, function(template, view) {
Template.setField(name, view, moduleName, template, true);
}, this);
* The metadata manager is responsible for parsing and returning various
* metadata to components that request it.
* @module Core/MetadataManager
module.exports = {
* Map of fields types.
* Specifies correspondence between field types and field widget types.
* @type {Object}
fieldTypeMap: {
varchar: 'text',
datetime: 'datetimecombo',
multienum: 'enum',
text: 'textarea',
decimal: 'float'
* Patches view fields definitions.
* @param {string} moduleName The module name.
* @param {Object} module The module definition object.
* @return {Object} The patched module definition.
* @private
_patchMetadata: function(moduleName, module) {
if (!module || module._patched === true) {
return module;
_.each(module.views, function(view) {
if (view.meta) {
_.each(view.meta.panels, function(panel) {
panel.fields = this._patchFields(moduleName, module, panel.fields);
}, this);
}, this);
_.each(module.dropdownViews, function(view) {
_.each(view, function(field) {
_.each(field, function(value) {
if (value.meta) {
_.each(value.meta.panels, function(panel) {
panel.fields = this._patchFields(moduleName, module, panel.fields);
}, this);
}, this);
}, this);
}, this);
module._patched = true;
return module;
_patchFields: function(moduleName, module, fields) {
var self = this;
_.each(fields, function(field, fieldIndex) {
var name = _.isString(field) ? field : field.name;
var fieldDef = module.fields[name];
if (field.fields) {
field.fields = self._patchFields(moduleName, module, field.fields);
if (field.subfields) {
field.subfields = self._patchFields(moduleName, module, field.subfields);
if (!_.isEmpty(fieldDef)) {
// Create a definition if it doesn't exist
if (_.isString(field)) {
field = { name: field };
// Flatten out the viewdef, i.e. put 'displayParams' onto the viewdef
// TODO: This should be done on the server-side on my opinion
if (_.isObject(fieldDef.displayParams)) {
_.extend(field, fieldDef.displayParams);
if (_.isObject(field.displayParams)) {
_.extend(field, field.displayParams);
delete field.displayParams;
// Assign type
field.type = field.type || fieldDef.custom_type || fieldDef.type || 'base';
// Patch type
field.type = self.fieldTypeMap[field.type] || field.type;
// Patch label
field.label = field.label || fieldDef.vname || field.name;
fields[fieldIndex] = field;
else {
// patch filler string fields to empty base fields of detail view
if (field === '') {
field = {
view: 'detail'
fields[fieldIndex] = field;
// Ignore view fields that don't have module field definition
}, this);
return fields;
* Sorts components in the order they should be declared as classes. This is
* required since a parent widget class must likewise be declared before a
* child that depends on it.
* @param {string} type Metadata type. e.g. field, view or layout.
* @param {Object} components List of components with their controller. Keys
* are component names, values are objects containing the controller
* object.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @return {Array} Sorted components
* @private
_sortControllers: function(type, components, module) {
var updated = {}, nameMap = {}, entries = {},
updateWeights = function(entry) {
var controller = entry.controller;
// `base` will always be first
if (entry.type === 'base') {
entries['Base' + Utils.capitalize(type)].weight = -99999;
// Here we decrement the weight of any extended components. Note, that if sorting platform
// specific components (e.g. portal), and one "extends from" a base component, that parent
// will have already been declared since _sortControllers first gets called with base components
if (_.isObject(controller) && _.isString(controller.extendsFrom) &&
entries[controller.extendsFrom] && !updated[controller.extendsFrom]) {
// Negative weights as we want to load those first
updated[controller.extendsFrom] = true;
// Start by creating a mapping from short name to final class name
// and precompiling all the controllers that are strings
_.each(components, function(entry, name) {
if (entry.controller) {
var controller = entry.controller,
className = (module || '') + Utils.capitalizeHyphenated(name) + Utils.capitalize(type);
nameMap[className] = name;
if (_.isString(controller)) {
try {
controller = eval("[" + controller + "][0]"); // jshint ignore:line
} catch (e) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Failed to eval view controller for ' + className + ': ' + e + ':\n' + entry.controller);
} else {
* To create a layout or a view in a layout definition metadata file, the rules are:
* the name defines which metadata to use
* the type defines which js controller to use
// Log warnings when controllers for layouts/views have nothing else but "extendsFrom"
var emptyController = type !== 'field' &&
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(controller).length === 1 &&
if (emptyController) {
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('Instead of creating an empty js controller `' + className +
'` and specify the parent with extendsFrom, please use `type` property in the metadata `' + name +
'`, to specify controller to use. It will allow you to delete your empty controllers and save memory.');
entries[className] = {
type: name,
controller: controller,
weight: 0
// Replace standard base class with custom one if it exists
_.each(entries, function(entry, className) {
var controller = entry.controller,
if (_.isObject(controller) && _.isString(controller.extendsFrom)) {
customExtendsFrom = 'Custom' + controller.extendsFrom;
if (customExtendsFrom in entries && className != customExtendsFrom) {
controller.extendsFrom = customExtendsFrom;
//Next calculate all the weights
_.each(entries, function(entry) {
updated = {};
return _.sortBy(entries, 'weight');
* Helper to sort and declare components.
* @param {Object} components List of components with their controller.
* Keys are component names and values are objects containing the
* controller object.
* @param {string} type Type of component. e.g. view, field, etc.
* @param {string} moduleName The module name.
* @param {string} platform Platform name.
* @private
_sortAndDeclareComponents: function(components, type, moduleName, platform) {
var entries, self = this;
if (!_.isUndefined(components) && components) {
entries = self._sortControllers(type, components, moduleName);
if (type === 'data') {
var model, collection;
_.each(entries, function(entry) {
if (entry.type === 'model') {
model = entry.controller;
} else if (entry.type === 'collection') {
collection = entry.controller;
DataManager.declareModelClass(moduleName, null, platform, model);
DataManager.declareCollectionClass(moduleName, platform, collection);
else {
_.each(entries, function(entry) {
ViewManager.declareComponent(type, entry.type, moduleName, entry.controller, true, platform);
* Helper to determine if the metadata type is separated by platforms
* e.g. <DATAOBJ>.views.portal.record.controller.
* @param {Object} data The object to check.
* @param {string} type The type of component to check. e.g 'view', 'field'
* or 'layout'
* @param {Array} platforms List of currently loaded platforms.
* e.g. ['base','portal']
* @return {boolean} Indicating whether or not this meta type is separated
* by platform type
* @private
_metaTypeIsSeparatedByPlatform: function(data, type, platforms) {
if (!_.isUndefined(data[type + 's'])) {
// Iterate all possible platforms searching if meta type has a platform key
for (var i = 0; i < platforms.length; i++) {
if (!_.isUndefined(data[type + 's'][platforms[i]])) {
// Edge case: we have a field.base and might eventually have view.base etc.
// (the field is actually named 'base'!) we're instead looking for: fields.base.x.controller
if (_.isUndefined(data[type + 's'][platforms[i]].controller)) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates the component classes respecting inheritance prototype chain.
* @param {Object} data The data object containing the classes to declare.
* @private
_declareClasses: function(data) {
// Base components are always loaded first (so ordering of the following array matters!).
var self = this,
platforms = (SUGAR.App.config.platform !== 'base') ? ['base', SUGAR.App.config.platform] : ['base'];
// Our root level metadata views/fields/layouts do not have separate platforms (whereas our
// generated jssource controllers are separated by platform). Today, only jssource has controllers.
// Declare field, view, layout classes that have custom controllers
_.each(['field', 'view', 'layout', 'data'], function(type) {
var components;
// Our root level metadata views/fields/layouts are not separated by platforms (whereas the
// "generated jssource controllers" are). Today, only jssource has controllers.
if (self._metaTypeIsSeparatedByPlatform(data, type, platforms)) {
// Components of each platform are sorted amongst themselves. Base MUST be first (as defined in
// our platforms list above). This way, all base components are guaranteed to be initialized first.
_.each(platforms, function(platform) {
components = data[type + 's'][platform];
self._sortAndDeclareComponents(components, type, null, platform);
}, this);
}, this);
// Patch module metadata, compile templates, and declare components for custom layouts and views
_.each(data.modules, function(entry, module) {
_initCustomComponents.call(this, entry, module);
}, this);
* Gets metadata for all modules.
* @return {Object} Metadata for all modules.
getModules: function() {
return _metadata.modules;
* Gets the list of module names that need to be hidden in subpanels.
* @return {Object} Collection of module names that are hidden in subpanels.
getHiddenSubpanels: function() {
return _metadata.hidden_subpanels;
* Gets module metadata.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {string} [type] Metadata type. e.g 'fields', 'layouts', etc.
* @return {Object} Module metadata of specific type if type is
* specified. Otherwise, module's overall metadata.
getModule: function(module, type) {
var metadata = this.getModules();
if (metadata) metadata = metadata[module];
if (metadata && type) metadata = metadata[type];
return metadata;
* Gets a relationship definition.
* @param {string} name Relationship name.
* @return {Object} Relationship metadata or nothing if not found.
getRelationship: function(name) {
return _metadata.relationships ? _metadata.relationships[name] : null;
* Gets a field metadata or all fields metadata.
* @param {Object} options A hash of options.
* @param {string} options.module The module that we want to get the
* vardefs.
* @param {string} [options.name] The field name to get the field def.
* @return {Object|undefined} Field def for the given Module, or all
* fields if no `options.name` is supplied.
getField: function (options) {
options = options || {};
if (!options.module) {
throw new Error('Cannot get vardefs without a module');
var fields = this.getModule(options.module, 'fields');
if (fields && options.name) {
return fields[options.name];
return fields;
* Gets a view metadata or all views metadata.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {string} [view] The view name.
* @param {string} [loadModule] The module that should be considered base.
* Defaults to core metadata.
* @return {Object|null} View metadata if `view name` is specified.
* Otherwise, metadata for all views of the given `module`.
* If the optional view parameter is provided we instead return `null`
* if view for module not found.
getView: function (module, view, loadModule) {
if (!module && !view) {
return _metadata.views;
var meta = this.getModule(module, 'views');
if (view) {
if (meta && meta[view] && meta[view].meta !== void 0) {
meta = meta[view].meta;
} else if (loadModule) {
meta = this.getModule(loadModule, 'views');
meta = meta && meta[view] ? meta[view].meta : null;
} else if (_metadata.views && _metadata.views[view]) {
meta = _metadata.views[view].meta;
} else {
meta = null;
return meta ? this.copy(meta, { module: module, view: view }) : meta;
* Get the dropdown based views metadata if defined
* @param module module name
* @param view type of view (Record views to begin with, others will be added later)
* @return {*|null} returns the metadata for any dropdown based views available for a specific module.
* Returned meta object would be of the pattern dropdownViews[view][dropdownField][dropdownValue]
getDropdownViews: function (module, view) {
if (!module && !view) {
return null;
var meta = this.getModule(module, 'dropdownViews');
if (view) {
if (meta && meta[view]) {
meta = meta[view];
} else {
meta = null;
return meta ? this.copy(meta, { module: module, dropdownViews: view }) : meta;
* Gets a layout metadata or all layouts metadata.
* @param {string} module The module name.
* @param {string} [layout] Layout name.
* @param {string} [loadModule] The module that should be considered base.
* Defaults to core metadata.
* @return {Object|null} Layout metadata if `layout` name is specified.
* Otherwise, metadata for all layouts of the given module. If the
* optional `layout` parameter is provided we instead return `null` if
* layout for module not found.
getLayout: function (module, layout, loadModule) {
if (!module && !layout) {
return _metadata.layouts;
var meta = this.getModule(module, 'layouts');
if (layout) {
if (meta && meta[layout] && meta[layout].meta !== void 0) {
meta = meta[layout].meta;
} else if (loadModule) {
meta = this.getModule(loadModule, 'layouts');
meta = meta && meta[layout] ? meta[layout].meta : null;
} else if (_metadata.layouts && _metadata.layouts[layout]) {
meta = _metadata.layouts[layout].meta;
} else {
meta = null;
return meta ? this.copy(meta, { module: module, layout: layout }) : meta;
* Gets an array of module names.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @param {string} [options.filter] Returns only modules
* that have this property enabled.
* @param {string} [options.access] Returns only modules
* the user has permission to perform this given action on.
* @return {Array} List of module names sorted by user settings.
getModuleNames: function(options) {
// List of available filters (and opposite filters)
var filters = [
'enabled', '!enabled',
'visible', '!visible',
'display_tab', '!display_tab',
'show_subpanels', '!show_subpanels',
'quick_create', '!quick_create'
options = options || {};
var moduleList = [];
// Clients may call an old version of the API that do not return
// _metadata.modules_info
var oldClient = _.isUndefined(_metadata.modules_info);
if (oldClient) {
moduleList = _.clone(User.get('module_list'));
if (options.access) {
moduleList = _.filter(moduleList, function(module) {
return Acl.hasAccess(options.access, module);
return moduleList || [];
var filter,
displayTabFilter = false;
if (options.filter) {
if (!_.isArray(options.filter)) {
options.filter = [options.filter];
filter = [];
_.each(options.filter, function(f) {
if (f && _.indexOf(filters, f) > -1) {
displayTabFilter = (f === 'display_tab');
} else if (f) {
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('Can\'t filter getModuleNames by ' + f);
if (_.isEmpty(filter)) {
filter = undefined;
moduleList = _.chain(_metadata.modules_info)
if (filter) {
_.each(filter, function(f) {
var opposite = f.charAt(0) === '!';
if (opposite) {
// Get the opposite list and take the difference.
var oppositeList = this.getModuleNames({
filter: f.substring(1),
access: options.access
moduleList = _.difference(moduleList, oppositeList);
} else {
// Filter the list
moduleList = _.filter(moduleList, function(module) {
return _metadata.modules_info[module][f];
}, this);
if (!_.isEmpty(User.get('module_list'))) {
if (displayTabFilter) {
moduleList = _.intersection(User.get('module_list'), moduleList);
} else if (!filter) {
// Preserve order of user list
moduleList = _.union(User.get('module_list'), moduleList);
if (options.access) {
moduleList = _.filter(moduleList, function(module) {
return Acl.hasAccess(options.access, module);
return moduleList;
* Gets language strings for a given type.
* @param {string} type Type of string pack: `app_strings`,
* `app_list_strings` or `mod_strings`.
* @return {Object} Dictionary of strings.
getStrings: function(type) {
return _metadata[type] || {};
* Gets the full module list.
* @return {Object} Full module list. Keys and values are equal.
getFullModuleList: function() {
return _metadata.full_module_list || {};
* Gets Config.
* @return {Object} Dictionary of Configs.
getConfig: function() {
return _metadata.config || {};
* Gets the base currency Id. Currently it returns the hardcoded value `-99`.
* @return {string} The value `-99`;
getBaseCurrencyId: function() {
// TODO this should be set on the _metadata
return '-99';
* Gets a currency.
* @param {string} currencyId Identifier for the currency to retrieve.
* @return {Object} The currency object.
getCurrency: function(currencyId) {
return this.getCurrencies()[currencyId];
* Gets currencies.
* @return {Object} the currency dictionary.
getCurrencies: function() {
return _metadata.currencies || {};
* Gets the company logo url.
* @param {boolean} isDarkMode True if we need to return the dark mode logo url
* @return {string} The logo url
getLogoUrl: function(isDarkMode) {
return isDarkMode ? _metadata.logo_url_dark : _metadata.logo_url;
* Gets server information.
* @return {Object} Server information.
getServerInfo: function() {
return _metadata.server_info || {};
* Checks if the server has one or more licenses.
* @param {string|Array} licenseType one or more licenses to check
* @param {boolean} hasAll if true, the server must have all the provided licenses
* @return {boolean} true if the server's licenses match the criteria, false otherwise
hasLicense: function(licenseType, hasAll = false) {
let licenses = this.getServerInfo().licenses;
if (!_.isArray(licenses)) {
return false;
if (_.isString(licenseType)) {
licenseType = [licenseType];
let licenseMatcher = license => licenses.includes(license);
return hasAll ? licenseType.every(licenseMatcher) : licenseType.some(licenseMatcher);
* Checks if the server has a Sell license.
* @return {boolean}
hasSellLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('SUGAR_SELL');
* Checks if the server has a Serve license.
* @return {boolean}
hasServeLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('SUGAR_SERVE');
* Checks if the server has a Sell/Serve license. If hasBoth is true, then the server must
* have both licenses. If hasBoth is false (default), then having at least one license is enough.
* @param {boolean} hasBoth
* @return {boolean}
hasSellServeLicense: function(hasBoth = false) {
return this.hasLicense(['SUGAR_SELL', 'SUGAR_SERVE'], hasBoth);
* Checks if the server has a Connect license.
* @return {boolean}
hasConnectLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('CONNECT');
* Checks if the server has a Discover license.
* @return {boolean}
hasDiscoverLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('DISCOVER');
* Checks if the server has a Hint license.
* @return {boolean}
hasHintLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('HINT');
* Checks if the server has a Maps license.
* @return {boolean}
hasMapsLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('MAPS');
* Checks if the server has an Advanced Forecasting license.
* @return {boolean}
hasAdvancedForecastingLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('ADVANCEDFORECAST');
* Checks if the server has a Predict Advanced or Predict Premier license.
* @return {boolean}
hasPredictLicense: function() {
return this.hasPredictAdvancedLicense() || this.hasPredictPremierLicense();
* Checks if the server has a Predict Advanced license.
* @return {boolean}
hasPredictAdvancedLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('PREDICT_ADVANCED');
* Checks if the server has a Predict Premier license.
* @return {boolean}
hasPredictPremierLicense: function() {
return this.hasLicense('PREDICT_PREMIER');
* Gets the module tab mapping for megamenu.
* @return {Object} Mapping object.
getModuleTabMap: function() {
return _metadata.module_tab_map || {};
* Gets the mapped module name for a menu item if one exists. Otherwise
* gets the module that was passed in.
* @param {string} module The module to get the mapped module for.
* @return {string} The mapped module name.
getTabMappedModule: function(module) {
var map = this.getModuleTabMap();
return map[module] || module;
* Gets the list of filter operators.
* If any filter operators of a certain field type are defined at module
* level, these will take precedence over the ones available on core,
* thus completely overriding the latter.
* @param {string} [module] The module to get the filters for.
* @return {Object} The list of filter operators.
getFilterOperators: function(module) {
var filters = _metadata.filters && _metadata.filters.operators && _metadata.filters.operators.meta || {};
var moduleData = module && this.getModule(module, 'filters');
var moduleFilters = moduleData && moduleData.operators && moduleData.operators.meta;
if (moduleFilters) {
return _.extend({}, filters, moduleFilters);
return filters;
* Gets the whole metadata object returned by the server.
* @return {Object} The metadata object.
get: function() {
return _metadata;
* Gets the list of dropdown keys that can be used when modifying a record.
* @param {string} dropdown The dropdown field to get the filter for.
* @return {Array[]|Object} The list of dropdown keys.
getEditableDropdownFilter: function(dropdown) {
var filters = _metadata.editable_dropdown_filters;
if (filters && filters[dropdown]) {
return this.copy(filters[dropdown]);
return {};
* Copies a metadata fragment.
* The default implementation performs a deep copy. Client apps may override
* this behavior.
* @param {Object} meta Metadata object to be copied.
* @param {Object} [options] Options that describe the type of metadata to
* copy. The default implementation does not use them as it always
* performs deep copy regardless of metadata type.
* @return {Object} Copy of the given metadata object.
copy: function(meta, options) {
return Utils.deepCopy(meta);
* Sets the metadata.
* By default this function is used by MetadataManager to translate server
* responses into metadata usable internally. The currently set metadata is
* preserved and extended by new metadata unless `reset` parameter equals to
* `true`.
* @param {Object} data Metadata payload returned by the server.
* @param {boolean} isPublic Flag indicating if the public metadata must be
* fetched.
* @param {boolean} reset Flag indicating if the the current metadata must
* be deleted.
set: function(data, isPublic, reset) {
// Patch module metadata, compile templates, and declare components for custom layouts and views
_.each(data.modules, function(entry, module) {
this._patchMetadata(module, entry);
}, this);
// Update application configuration
if (data.config) {
// Compile templates if metadata has been changed
Template.set(data, (data._hash && data._hash != this.getHash(isPublic)));
if (!_.isEmpty(data._hash))
_setHash(data, isPublic);
if (!reset) {
var overrideKeys = data._override_values || [];
// Keep whatever we have and extend it with new stuff
_.each(data, function(value, key) {
_metadata[key] = (_.isObject(value) && !_.contains(overrideKeys, key)) ?
_.extend(_metadata[key] || {}, value) :
else {
_metadata = data;
if (SUGAR.App.config.cacheMeta && !isPublic) {
if (SUGAR.App.config.env != 'prod') {
this._dev_data = _metadata;
* Gets metadata hash.
* @param {boolean} isPublic Flag indicating if the public metadata hash is
* requested.
* @return {string} Metadata hash.
getHash: function(isPublic) {
var key = isPublic ? (_keyPrefix + 'public:hash') : (_keyPrefix + 'hash');
return SUGAR.App.cache.get(key) || _metadata._hash || '';
* Syncs metadata from the server. Saves the metadata to the local cache.
* @param {Function} [callback] Callback function to be executed after sync
* completes.
* @param {Object} [options] A hash of options.
* @param {boolean} [options.getPublic] `true` to sync the public metadata.
* Defaults to `false`.
* @param {string[]} [options.metadataTypes] The metadata types to sync. If
* omitted, the ones specified in the config will be used.
sync: function(callback, options) {
_syncing = true;
options = options || {};
options.params = options.params || {};
var self = this,
metadataTypes = options.metadataTypes || (options.getPublic ? SUGAR.App.config.publicMetadataTypes : SUGAR.App.config.metadataTypes) || [],
errorCallback = function(error) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Failed fetching metadata');
if (!options.getPublic) {
callback.call(self, error);
cb = callback;
// Force _syncing to be false no matter how we exit this function
callback = function(p) {
_syncing = false;
if (_.isFunction(cb)) cb(p);
types: metadataTypes,
callbacks: {
success: function (metadata) {
var compatible;
options = options || {};
if (!_.isEmpty(metadata)) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Updating metadata');
if (_mdLoaded[options.getPublic ? 'public:md' : 'md'] &&
self.getHash(options.getPublic) == metadata._hash && !options.forceRefresh
) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug('Skipping update as metadata hash matches');
//If the response contains server_info, we need to run a compatibility check
if (_.isEmpty(metadataTypes) || _.include(metadataTypes, 'server_info') && !options.getPublic) {
compatible = SUGAR.App.isServerCompatible(metadata.server_info);
//If compatible wasn't true, it will be set to an error string and we need to bomb out
if (compatible !== true) {
return errorCallback(compatible)
_mdLoaded[options.getPublic ? 'public:md' : 'md'] = true;
self._loadJSSource(metadata, options),
_fetchLabels(metadata, options)
//Convert any synchronous callbacks to promises
_.map(externalSyncTasks, task => Promise.resolve(task(metadata, options)))
)).then(() => {
self.set(metadata, options.getPublic);
}).catch(error => errorCallback(error));
} else {
code: 'sync_failed',
error: errorCallback
}, public: options.getPublic, params: options.params
* Used to check if a metadata sync is currently in progress.
* @return {boolean} `true` if a sync is in progress.
isSyncing: function() {
return _syncing;
* Adds a task/file/app to be fetched and synced
* @param {Promise|function} task
addSyncTask: function(task) {
if (!_.find(externalSyncTasks, task)) {
return task;
* Removes a task/file/app from being fetched and synced
* @param {Promise|function} task
removeSyncTask: function (task) {
externalSyncTasks = _.without(externalSyncTasks, task);
* Loads a JS file from the given `metadata.jssource`
* @param {Object} metadata JS File metadata
* @param {Object} options Any options being passed
* @return {*}
* @private
_loadJSSource: function(metadata, options) {
const self = this;
if (!metadata.jssource) {
return Promise.resolve(self);
return new Promise(res => {
var scriptEl;
var loadJS = self._checkJSSourceUpdated(metadata, !!options.getPublic);
//In the event of a hard reload, we can just stop the metadata sync
if (loadJS === 'reload') {
return Utils.hardRefresh();
else if (loadJS) {
SUGAR.jssource = false;
scriptEl = document.createElement("script");
scriptEl.src = Utils.buildUrl(metadata.jssource);
Utils.doWhen('SUGAR.jssource', function() {
} else {
* Verifies that the jssource URL is new. If js was already loaded, 'reload'
* is returned to ensure the page loads the new javascript classes correctly.
* @param {object} metadata The metadata object.
* @param {boolean} isPublic `true` to check the public metadata.
* @return {boolean|string} `true` if the jssource should be loaded, `false`
* if the jssource was already loaded, and 'reload' if jssource was
* previously loaded from another URL.
* @private
_checkJSSourceUpdated: function(metadata, isPublic) {
if (isPublic) {
//If we already loaded a JS source, we either need to clear memory for the new one,
//or we don't need to load the js file because it hasn't changed
if (this._publicJSSourceFile) {
if (this._publicJSSourceFile != metadata.jssource) {
return 'reload';
return false;
} else {
this._publicJSSourceFile = metadata.jssource;
return true;
//In private reload, if public changed, we still need a refresh
if (metadata.jssource_public && this._publicJSSourceFile &&
metadata.jssource_public != this._publicJSSourceFile
) {
return 'reload';
//Finally verify the private jssource file
if (this._jsSourceFile) {
if (this._jsSourceFile != metadata.jssource) {
return 'reload';
return false;
// Update the private jssource file so that we don't reload it again
this._jsSourceFile = metadata.jssource;
return true;
* Binds an event listeners on `cache:clean` global event and on the
* window `storage` event.
* When `storage` is triggered by `window`, we will check re-sync the app if
* necessary. If `cacheMeta` config property is set to `true`, we grab the
* metadata from the local storage.
init: function() {
_.bindAll(this, 'storageHandler');
// For more information about the `storage` event, see
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/storage
window.addEventListener('storage', this.storageHandler);
// Load metadata from local storage upon app initialization
if (SUGAR.App.config.cacheMeta) {
var data = _getCachedMeta();
if (data) this.set(data, false);
Events.on('cache:clean', function(cb) {
_keyPrefix + 'public:hash',
_keyPrefix + 'hash',
_keyPrefix + 'data'
* Checks to see if the metadata needs to sync with the server.
storageHandler: function() {
if (!_syncing && ((this.getHash() != _metadata._hash && _mdLoaded.md) ||
SUGAR.App.api.getUserprefHash() && User.get('_hash') &&
SUGAR.App.api.getUserprefHash() != User.get('_hash')
)) {
_syncing = true;
_mdLoaded.md = false;
getPublic: !SUGAR.App.api.isAuthenticated()
* Purges metadata from the persistent cache.
clearCache: function() {
SUGAR.App.cache.cut(_keyPrefix + 'public:hash');
SUGAR.App.cache.cut(_keyPrefix + 'hash');
SUGAR.App.cache.cut(_keyPrefix + 'data');
* Resets internal memory cache and clears persistent storage.
reset: function() {
_metadata = {};