* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
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* Plugin manager.
* Example:
* ```
* const PluginManager = require('./plugin-manager');
* PluginManager.register('fast-click-highlight', ['view', 'field'], {
* color : "red",
* events: {
* 'click .fast-click-highlighted': 'onClickItem'
* },
* onClickItem: function(e) {
* alert(1)
* },
* // The onAttach function will be called every time the plugin is
* // attached to a new component. It will be executed from the scope of
* // the component being attached to.
* //Applied after the plugin has been mixed into the component.
* onAttach: function(component, plugin) {
* this.on('render', function(){
* //same as plugin.color and component.$el.css
* this.$el.css('color', this.color);
* });
* }
* });
* ```
* If you want to use the current plugin for a view, you have to declare the
* plugin in it:
* ```
* const ViewManager = require('../view/view-manager');
* var MyView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* initialize: function(options) {},
* plugins: ['fast-click-highlight'],
* ...,
* });
* // or
* $plugins: [{
* 'fast-click-highlight': {
* events: {
* 'click article' : 'onClickItem'
* }
* }
* }],
* onClickItem: function() {
* alert(2);
* }
* ```
* If you want to disable a plugin, you have to use the `disabledPlugins`
* property as in the following example:
* ```
* var MyView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* initialize: function(options) {},
* disabledPlugins: ['fast-click-highlight'],
* ...,
* });
* ```
* @module Core/PluginManager
* Gets a plugin by name.
* @param {string} name The plugin name.
* @param {string} type The component type. Can be one of the following:
* 'view', 'layout', 'field', 'model' or 'collection'.
* @return {Object} The desired plugin object.
* @private
function get(name, type) {
if (PluginManager.plugins[type] && PluginManager.plugins[type][name]) {
return PluginManager.plugins[type][name];
* Checks if a plugin is disabled.
* @param {View/Component|Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} component The
* component.
* @param {string} pluginName The plugin name.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the plugin is disabled; `false` otherwise.
* @private
function isPluginDisabled(component, pluginName) {
return !!_.find(component.disabledPlugins, function(name) {
return name === pluginName;
* @alias module:Core/PluginManager
const PluginManager = {
* A hash map containing all registered plugins.
plugins: {
view: {},
field: {},
layout: {},
model: {},
collection: {}
* Attaches a plugin to a view.
* @param {View/Component|Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} component The
* component.
* @param {string} type The component type. Can be one of the following:
* 'view', 'layout', 'field', 'model' or 'collection'.
attach: function(component, type) {
_.each(component.plugins, function(pluginName) {
var prop = null;
if (_.isObject(pluginName)) {
var n = _.keys(pluginName)[0];
prop = pluginName[n];
pluginName = n;
var p = get(pluginName, type);
if (p && !isPluginDisabled(component, pluginName)) {
var events = _.extend({}, (_.isFunction(component.events)) ?
component.events() : component.events, p.events);
_.extend(component, p);
if (prop) {
_.extend(component, prop);
if (prop.events) {
_.extend(events, prop.events);
component.events = events;
//If a plugin has an onAttach function, call it now so that the plugin can initialize
if (_.isFunction(p.onAttach)) {
p.onAttach.call(component, component, p);
}, this);
* Detaches plugins and calls the `onDetach` method on each one.
* @param {View/Component|Data/Bean|Data/BeanCollection} component The
* component.
* @param {string} type The component type. Can be one of the following:
* 'view', 'layout', 'field', 'model' or 'collection'.
detach: function(component, type) {
_.each(component.plugins, function(name) {
var plugin = get(name, type);
if (plugin && _.isFunction(plugin.onDetach)) {
plugin.onDetach.call(component, component, plugin);
}, this);
* Registers a plugin.
* @param {string} name The plugin name.
* @param {string|string[]} validTypes The list of component types this
* plugin can be applied to ('view', 'field', 'layout', 'model' and/or
* 'collection').
* @param {Object} plugin The plugin object.
register: function(name, validTypes, plugin) {
if (!_.isArray(validTypes)) {
validTypes = [validTypes];
_.each(validTypes , function(type) {
this.plugins[type] = this.plugins[type] || {};
this.plugins[type][name] = plugin;
}, this);
_isPluginDisabled: function(component, pluginName) {
if (!SUGAR.App.config.sidecarCompatMode) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Core.pluginManager#_isPluginDisabled is a private method that you are not allowed ' +
'to access. Please use only the public API.');
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('Core.pluginManager#_isPluginDisabled is a private method that you should not access. ' +
'You will NOT be allowed to access it in the next release. Please update your code to rely on the public ' +
'API only.');
return isPluginDisabled(component, pluginName);
_get: function(name, type) {
if (!SUGAR.App.config.sidecarCompatMode) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Core.pluginManager#_get is a private method that you are not allowed ' +
'to access. Please use only the public API.');
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('Core.pluginManager#_get is a private method that you should not access. ' +
'You will NOT be allowed to access it in the next release. Please update your code to rely on the public ' +
'API only.');
return get(name, type);
module.exports = PluginManager;