* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const Acl = require('./acl');
const Alert = require('../view/alert');
const Utils = require('../utils/utils');
const Language = require('./language');
const ErrorHandler = require('./error');
const Events = require('./events');
const Routing = require('./routing');
const User = require('./user');
* App router. It extends the standard Backbone.js router.
* The router manages the watching of the address hash and routes to the correct
* handler. You need to add your routes with their callback using `addRoutes`
* method.
* To add your routes, you have to listen to the `router:init` event.
* Example:
* ```
* const Events = require('./events');
* Events.on('router:init', function(router) {
* var routes = [
* {
* route: 'MyModule/my_custom_route',
* name: 'MyModule',
* callback: MyModule
* }
* ];
* SUGAR.App.router.addRoutes(routes);
* });
* ```
* @module Core/Router
const Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
* Sets custom routes and binds them if available.
* @param {Object} [opts] options to initialize the router.
initialize: function(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
* The previous fragment.
* @type {string}
* @private
this._previousFragment = '';
* The current fragment.
* @type {string}
* @private
this._currentFragment = '';
* Calls {@link Core.Routing#before} before invoking a route handler
* and {@link Core.Routing#after} after the handler is invoked.
* @param {Function} handler Route callback handler.
* @private
_routeHandler: function(handler) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
route = handler.route;
if (Routing.beforeRoute(route, args)) {
this._previousFragment = this._currentFragment;
this._currentFragment = this.getFragment();
handler.apply(this, args);
Routing.after(route, args);
* Checks if a module exists and displays 404 error screen if it does not.
* @param {string} module The module to check.
* @return {boolean} `true` if module exists, `false` otherwise.
* @private
_moduleExists: function(module) {
if (module && _.isUndefined(SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module))) {
ErrorHandler.handleHttpError({status: 404});
return false;
return true;
* Adds the `notFound` route.
* @private
_addDefaultRoutes: function() {
var defaultRoutes = [
name: 'notFound',
route: /^.*$/,
callback: function () {
// no matching routes (e.g.: '#//' or '#unkown/path/route)
ErrorHandler.handleHttpError({status: 404});
* Checks if the last page can be stored on the login process
* @return {boolean} true if page can be stored, false otherwise
* @private
_canStoreExternalAuthLastPage: function() {
const fragmentsToNotStore = ['stsAuthError'];
return Backbone.history.fragment && !_.contains(fragmentsToNotStore, Backbone.history.fragment);
* Registers a handler for a named route.
* This method wraps the handler into {@link Core.Router#_routeHandler}
* method.
* @param {string} route Route expression.
* @param {string} name Route name.
* @param {Function} [callback] Route handler. If not supplied, will
* use the method name that matches the `name` param.
route: function (route, name, callback) {
if (!name) {
throw new Error('You need to provide a route name.');
} else if (!_.isEmpty(this._routes[name])) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Route "' + name + '" is being overridden. This is highly NOT advisable.');
this._routes[name] = callback;
if (!callback) {
callback = this[name];
callback.route = name;
callback = _.wrap(callback, this._routeHandler);
Backbone.Router.prototype.route.call(this, route, name, callback);
* Gets the current Backbone fragment.
* @return {string} The current Backbone history fragment.
getFragment: function() {
return Backbone.history.getFragment();
* Updates the URL with the given fragment.
* @param {string} fragment The fragment to navigate to.
* @param {Object} [options] The options hash.
* @param {boolean} [options.trigger] `true` to fire the route callback.
* @param {boolean} [options.replace] `true` to modify the current URL
* without adding an entry to the `window.history` object.
* @return {Core.Router} This router.
navigate: function(fragment, options) {
Backbone.Router.prototype.navigate.apply(this, arguments);
if (!(options && options.trigger)) {
this._previousFragment = this._currentFragment;
this._currentFragment = this.getFragment();
return this;
* Gets the previous Backbone fragment.
* @return {string} The previous Backbone fragment.
getPreviousFragment: function() {
return this._previousFragment;
* Navigates to the previous route in history.
goBack: function() {
* Navigates the window history.
* @param {number} steps Number of steps to navigate (can be negative).
go: function(steps) {
* Initializes the router.
init: function() {
* Routes hashmap by name. See {@link#get} for more info.
* @type {Object}
* @private
this._routes = {};
* Starts Backbone history which in turn starts routing the hashtag.
* See Backbone.history documentation for details.
start: function() {
if (!Backbone.History.started) {
* Stops `Backbone.history`.
stop: function() {
* Resets the router.
* Stops `Backbone.history` and cleans up routes. Then initializes and
* starts the router again.
reset: function() {
var old = this._previousFragment;
Backbone.history.handlers = [];
this._previousFragment = old;
* Add routes into the router.
* Currently, Backbone stops after the first matching route.
* Therefore, the order of how custom routes are added is important.
* In general, the developer should add the more specific route first,
* so that the intended route gets called.
* For example, the route `MyRoute/create` will call `myRouteCreate` in
* the following code snippet:
* ```
* var routes = [
* {
* name: 'myRouteCreate',
* route: 'MyRoute/create',
* callback: myRouteCreate
* },
* {
* name: 'myRoute',
* route: "MyRoute(/:my_custom_route)",
* callback: myRoute
* }
* ];
* ```
* If the order of `myRouteCreate` and `myRoute` is reversed, triggering
* `MyRoute/create` will call `myRoute` with `:my_custom_route` set to
* `create`, which may not be intended.
* @param {Array} routes The ordered list of routes.
addRoutes: function(routes) {
if (!routes) {
var newRoutes = routes.reverse();
_.each(newRoutes, function(route) {
this.route(route.route, route.name, route.callback);
}, this);
* Retrieves the callback associated with the given route name.
* @param {string} name The route to get the callback function.
* @return {Function} The callback associated with this route name.
get: function (name) {
return this._routes[name];
* Re-triggers the current route.
* Used to refresh the current layout/page without doing a hard refresh.
refresh: function(){
* Builds a route.
* This is a convenience function.
* If you need to override this, define a `customBuildRoute` function on
* {@link Utils/Utils} and return an empty string if you want to
* fall back to this definition of `buildRoute`.
* @param {Core/Context|string} moduleOrContext The name of the module
* or a context object to extract the module from.
* @param {string} [id] The model's ID.
* @param {string} [action] Action name.
* @return {string} route The built route.
buildRoute: function(moduleOrContext, id, action) {
var route;
if (_.isFunction(Utils.customBuildRoute)) {
route = Utils.customBuildRoute.apply(this, arguments);
if (!_.isEmpty(route)) {
return route;
if (moduleOrContext) {
// If module is a context object, then extract module from it
route = (_.isString(moduleOrContext)) ? moduleOrContext : moduleOrContext.get("module");
if (id) {
route += "/" + id;
if (action) {
route += "/" + action;
} else {
route = action;
return route;
redirect: function(route, options) {
this.navigate(route, _.extend({trigger: true, replace: true}, options));
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Route handlers
// ----------------------------------------------------
* Handles the `index` route.
* Loads `home` layout for the `Home` module or `list` route with default
* module defined in `SUGAR.App.config`.
* For external authentication it will try to load the page visited when auth was triggered.
index: function() {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Route changed to index");
if (SUGAR.App.config.externalLogin) {
const lastPage = SUGAR.App.cache.get('externalAuthLastPage');
if (lastPage) {
this.navigate(lastPage, {trigger: true});
if (SUGAR.App.config.defaultModule) {
this.navigate(SUGAR.App.config.defaultModule, {trigger:true});
else if (Acl.hasAccess('read', 'Home')) {
this.navigate('Home', {trigger:true});
* Handles the `list` route.
* @param {string} module Module name.
list: function(module) {
if (!this._moduleExists(module)) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Route changed to list of " + module);
module: module,
layout: "records"
* Handles arbitrary layout for a module that doesn't have a record
* associated with the layout.
* @param {string} module Module name.
* @param {string} layout Layout name.
layout: function(module, layout) {
if (!this._moduleExists(module)) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Route changed to layout: " + layout + " for " + module);
module: module,
layout: layout
* Handles the `create` route.
* @param {string} module Module name.
create: function(module) {
if (!this._moduleExists(module)) {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Route changed: create " + module);
module: module,
create: true,
layout: "edit"
* Routes to the login page.
* You have to implement a `login` layout to use it.
* @fires app:login
* @fires app:login:success after a successful external login.
login: function() {
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Logging in");
module: "Login",
layout: "login",
create: true
// Need to hide the megamenu here otherwise we get a login screen
// with a megamenu. This is done AFTER the login view loading since
// loadView fires a _render call on login.js, which rerenders the
// header in refreshAdditionalComponents().
if(SUGAR.App.config.externalLogin) {
if (this._canStoreExternalAuthLastPage()) {
SUGAR.App.cache.set('externalAuthLastPage', Backbone.history.fragment);
// This will attempt reauth
SUGAR.App.api.ping(null, {
success: function() {
// If we have success then show the megamenu again
* Logs out the user and routes to the login page.
* @param {boolean} clear Refreshes the page once logout is complete to
* clear any sensitive data from browser tab memory.
* @fires 'app:logout:success'
logout: function(clear) {
let logoutComplete = function(clear) {
if (!SUGAR.App.config.externalLogin) {
if (clear) {
//We have to reload to clear any sensitive data from browser tab memory.
} else {
} else {
module: 'Login',
layout: 'logout',
skipFetch: true,
create: true
if (!SUGAR.App.api.isAuthenticated()) {
clear = (clear === "1");
SUGAR.App.logger.debug("Logging out: " + clear);
complete() {
success(data) {
Events.trigger('app:logout:success', data);
}, clear);
* Handles the `record` route.
* @param {string} module Module name.
* @param {string} id Record ID. If `id` is `create`, it will load the create view.
* @param {string} [action] Action name (`edit`, etc.). Defaults to `detail` if not specified.
* @param {string} [layout] The layout to use for this route. Defaults to `record` if not specified.
record: function(module, id, action, layout) {
if (!this._moduleExists(module)) {
var oldCollection = SUGAR.App.controller.context.get('collection'),
oldListCollection = SUGAR.App.controller.context.get('listCollection'),
opts = {
module: module,
layout: layout || "record",
action: (action || "detail")
if (id !== "create") {
_.extend(opts, {modelId: id});
} else {
_.extend(opts, {create: true});
opts.layout = "create";
//If we come from a list view, we get the current collection
if (oldCollection && oldCollection.module === module && oldCollection.get(id)) {
opts.listCollection = oldCollection;
//If we come from a detail view, we need to get the cached collection
if (oldListCollection && oldListCollection.module === module && oldListCollection.get(id)) {
opts.listCollection = oldListCollection;
module.exports = Router;