* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const DateUtils = require('../utils/date');
const User = require('../core/user');
const Utils = require('../utils/utils');
const Language = require('../core/language');
* Validation module.
* The validation module is used by {@link Data/Bean#doValidate}.
* Each bean field is validated by each of the validators specified in the
* {@link Data.Validation.validators} hash.
* The bean is also checked for required fields by
* {@link Data.Validation#requiredValidator}.
* @module Data/Validation
function makeValidators() {
* Validates whether the given value meets a max/min value requirement.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Bean field value (a number).
* @param {string} type The type of requirement that must be met. Possible
* choices are 'max', 'min', 'greaterthan', and 'lessthan'.
* @return {number|undefined} The numerical value of the limit if the
* requirement is not met and `undefined` if it is.
* @private
var _minMaxValue = function(field, value, type) {
var limit = _.isUndefined(field[type]) ?
(field.validation ? field.validation[type] : null) : field[type];
if (_.contains(['int', 'float', 'decimal', 'currency'], field.type) && _.isFinite(limit)) {
if (field.type == 'int') {
value = parseInt(value);
} else {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (type == 'max') {
if (value > limit) return limit;
} else if (type == 'min') {
if (value < limit) return limit;
} else if (type == 'greaterthan') {
if (value <= limit) return limit;
} else if (type == 'lessthan') {
if (value >= limit) return limit;
// Helper that validates the given date is before/after the date of another field
var _isBeforeAfter = function(field, value, type, model) {
var validatableTypes = ['date', 'datetimecombo'];
if(field.validation && field.validation.type === type &&
((field.validation.datatype && _.contains(validatableTypes, field.validation.datatype)) ||
(_.contains(validatableTypes, field.type)))) {
var compareTo = model.fields[field.validation.compareto];
if(!_.isUndefined(compareTo) &&
((field.validation.datatype && _.contains(validatableTypes, field.validation.datatype)) ||
(_.contains(validatableTypes, compareTo.type)))) {
var compareToValue = Date.parse(model.get(compareTo.name));
value = Date.parse(value.toString());
if(!_.isNaN(compareToValue) && !_.isNaN(value)) {
var compareToLabel = Language.get(compareTo.label || compareTo.vname || compareTo.name,
if(type == "isbefore") {
return compareToValue < value ? compareToLabel : undefined;
if(type == "isafter") {
return compareToValue > value ? compareToLabel : undefined;
* A hash of validators. Each validator function must return an error
* definition if validation fails and `undefined` if it succeeds.
* Error definitions can be primitives value such as max length or an
* array, such as a range's lower and upper limits.
* Validator functions accept field metadata and the value to be validated.
* @class
* @name Data/Validation.Validators
return {
* Validates the maximum length of a given value.
* @param {string} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string|number} value Bean field value.
* @return {number|undefined} Maximum length or `undefined` if the
* field is valid.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
maxLength: function(field, value) {
value = value.toString();
if (_.isNumber(field.len) && _.isString(value)) {
var maxLength = field.len;
value = value || "";
value = value.toString();
if (value.length > maxLength) {
return maxLength;
* Validates the minimum length of a given value.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Bean field value.
* @return {number|undefined} Minimum length or `undefined` if the
* field is valid.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
minLength: function(field, value) {
if (_.isNumber(field.minlen)) { // TODO: Not sure what the proper property is if there is one
var minLength = field.minlen;
value = value || "";
value = value.toString();
if (value.length < minLength) {
return minLength;
* Validates that a given value is a valid URL.
* Note that is impossible to do full validation of URLs in JavaScript.
* **This function has been a no-op since 6.7. Do NOT use it.**
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Bean field value.
* @deprecated Since 7.10
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
url: function(field, value) {
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('The function `app.validation.validators.url()` is deprecated since 7.10 ' +
'because it has no effect.');
* Validates that a given value contains only valid email address.
* Note that it is impossible to do full validation of email addresses
* in JavaScript.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {Object[]} emails Bean field value which is an array of email
* objects.
* @return {string[]|undefined} Array of invalid email addresses or
* `undefined` if the addresses are all valid.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
email: function(field, emails) {
var results;
if (field.type == 'email' || field.type === 'email-text') {
if (emails.length > 0) {
_.each(emails, function(email) {
// if email is blank but not required, let it go
if (email.email_address === '' && (_.isUndefined(field.required) || !field.required)) {
if (!Utils.isValidEmailAddress(email.email_address)) {
if (!results) results = [];
if (results && results.length > 0) {
return results;
* Validates that a given email array has at least one email set as the
* primary email.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {Object[]} emails Bean field value which is an array of email
* objects.
* @return {boolean|undefined} `true` if there is no primary email set
* or `undefined` if at least one of the emails is the primary
* email.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
primaryEmail: function(field, emails) {
if (field.type == "email") {
if (emails.length > 0 &&
!_.find(emails, function(email) { return email.primary_address == "1"; })) {
return true;
* Validates that a given email array has no duplicate email addresses.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {object[]} emails Bean field value which is an array of email
* objects.
* @return {string[]|undefined} Array of duplicated email addresses or
* `undefined` if there are no duplicates.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
duplicateEmail: function(field, emails) {
if (field.type == "email") {
var values = _.pluck(emails, "email_address"),
duplicates = [],
n = values.length,
i, j;
// to ensure the fewest possible comparisons
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // outer loop uses each item i at 0 through n
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { // inner loop only compares items j at i+1 to n
if (values[i] == values[j]) duplicates.push(values[i]);
if (duplicates && duplicates.length > 0) {
return duplicates;
* Validates that a given value is a real date or datetime.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Date or datetime value as string.
* @return {string|undefined} The invalid date/datetime or `undefined`
* if it is a valid date.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
datetime: function(field, value){
var val, invalidNumberOfDigits, format, sep, formatParts, parts, i, len;
function inRange(val, min, max) {
var value = parseInt(val, 10);
return (!isNaN(value) && value >= min && value <= max);
if(field.type === "date" || field.type === "datetimecombo") {
// First check will short circuit (falsy) if the value is a valid server ISO date string.
// For datepicker values, however, we need the second check since Safari chokes on '.', '-'
if(_.isNaN(Date.parse(value)) && _.isNaN(Date.parse(value.replace(/[\.\-]/g, '/')))) {
return value;
} else {
// Check for valid date parts for non ISO dates as IE and FF both successfully parse
// 2014/13/22 simply wrapping extra months around to following year (so previous example
// becomes 2015/01/22).
if (!DateUtils.isIso(value)) {
// The first set of Date.parse conditionals will negate three digit days or months
// but 3 digit years are valid for JavaScript dates so they'll slip through. The reason
// we explicitly invalidate 3 digit years is datepicker auto corrects 1 and 2 digit years
// in yyyy but cannot do anything sensible with 3 digit years. Moreover, it was decided
// that it's much more likely a 3 digit years is a user entry error; they don't really
// intend to enter a date year (e.g. 100-999 A.D.). Also any part > 4 digits is considered
// invalid as well since we only support:
// 2010-12-23, Y-m-d
// 12-23-2010, m-d-Y
// 23-12-2010, d-m-Y
// 2010/12/23, Y/m/d
// 12/23/2010, m/d/Y
// 23/12/2010, d/m/Y
// 2010.12.23, Y.m.d
// 23.12.2010, d.m.Y
// 12.23.2010, m.d.Y
parts = value.replace(/[\.\-]/g, '/').split('/');
invalidNumberOfDigits = _.filter(parts,
(part) => part.length === 3 || part.length > 4
if (invalidNumberOfDigits.length) {
return value;
// Invalidate consecutive separators e.g. 12--23--2013
if (/([\.\/\-])\1/.test(value) === true) {
return value;
// Lastly, validate month and day ranges
format = User.getPreference('datepref');
sep = format.match(/[.\/\-\s].*?/);
formatParts = format.split(sep);
for(i=0, len=formatParts.length; i<len; i++) {
val = parts[i];
switch(formatParts[i].toLowerCase().charAt(0)) {
case 'm':
if (!inRange(val, 1, 12)) {
return value;
case 'd':
if (!inRange(val, 1, 31)) {
return value;
} else {
// The datepicker plugin will leave 3 digit years and this validation is supposed to
// invalidate; but to iso date will turn that to something like: 0201-01-31T08:00:00.000Z
// We have to reject 100-999 to be consistent with the rest of our date year validation.
if (value.charAt(0) === '0') return value;
* Validates minimum integer values.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is a number.
* @return {number|undefined} Value of the actual min if the limit is
* not met and `undefined` if it is.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
minValue: function(field, value) {
return _minMaxValue(field, value, 'min');
* Validates maximum integer values.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is a number.
* @return {number|undefined} Value of the actual max if the limit is
* not met and `undefined` if it is.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
maxValue: function(field, value) {
return _minMaxValue(field, value, 'max');
* Validates a value to make sure it's larger than a given value.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is a number.
* @return {number|undefined} Value that must be exceeded if the limit
* is not met and `undefined` if it is.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
greaterThan: function(field, value) {
return _minMaxValue(field, value, 'greaterthan');
* Validates a value to make sure it's less than a given value.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is a number.
* @return {number|undefined} Value that `value` must be less than if
* the limit is not met and `undefined` if it is.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
lessThan: function(field, value) {
return _minMaxValue(field, value, 'lessthan');
* Validates numeric values.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value field value which is an integer
* @return {boolean|undefined} `true` if `value` is invalid,
* `undefined` otherwise.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
number: function(field, value) {
if (_.indexOf(['int', 'float', 'decimal', 'currency'], field.type) != -1) {
return (_.isBoolean(value) || (_.isString(value) && !value.trim().length) ||
isNaN(parseFloat(value)) || !_.isFinite(value)) ?
true : undefined;
* Validates that the given date is before the date of another field.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is an integer.
* @param {Object} model Model.
* @return {string|undefined} Compare field label if it is invalid
* and `undefined` otherwise.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
isBefore: function(field, value, model) {
return _isBeforeAfter(field, value, 'isbefore', model);
* Validates that the given date is after the date of another field.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} value Field value which is an integer.
* @param {Object} model Model.
* @return {string} Compare field label if is invalid, `undefined`
* otherwise.
* @memberOf Data/Validation.Validators
isAfter: function(field, value, model) {
return _isBeforeAfter(field, value, 'isafter', model);
* Checks if the given array contains only empty values.
* @param {Array} value Array to check.
* @return {boolean} `true` if all of the array's elements are empty
* and `false` otherwise.
* @private
function isArrayEmpty(value) {
return _.every(value, _.isEmpty);
* @alias module:Data/Validation
const Validation = {
* @type {Data/Validation.Validators}
validators: makeValidators(),
* Validates if the required field is set on a bean or about to be set.
* @param {Object} field Bean field metadata.
* @param {string} fieldName Bean field name.
* @param {Data/Bean} model Bean instance.
* @param {string} value Value to be set.
* @return {boolean} `true` if the validation fails, `undefined` otherwise.
requiredValidator: function(field, fieldName, model, value) {
// Image type fields have their own requiredValidator
if ((field.required === true) && (fieldName !== 'id') &&
(field.type !== 'image') &&
) {
var currentValue = model.get(fieldName);
var currentUndefined = _.isUndefined(currentValue);
var valueEmpty = _.isNull(value) ||
value === '' ||
value === false ||
(_.isArray(value) && isArrayEmpty(value)) ||
(value instanceof Backbone.Collection && !value.length);
// Remove validation for relate/flex relate if name is erased
if (field.id_name && model.get(field.id_name)) {
if ((currentUndefined && _.isUndefined(value)) || valueEmpty) {
return true;
_isArrayEmpty: function(value) {
if (!SUGAR.App.config.sidecarCompatMode) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Data.Validation#_isArrayEmpty is a private method that you are not allowed ' +
'to access. Please use only the public API.');
SUGAR.App.logger.warn('Data.Validation#_isArrayEmpty is a private method that you should not access. ' +
'You will NOT be allowed to access it in the next release. Please update your code to rely on the public ' +
'API only.');
return isArrayEmpty(value);
module.exports = Validation;