
 * Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
 * terms available at
 * http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
 * If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
 * authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
 * install or use this SugarCRM file.
 * Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.

const User = require('../core/user');
const Language = require('../core/language');

 * The Utils module provides several utility methods, such as those for
 * number formatting.
 * @module Utils/Utils

var _doWhenStack = [];
var _doWhenLocked = false;
var _doWhenInterval = false;
var _doWhenretryCount = 0;

var _startDoWhenInterval = function () {
    if (!_doWhenInterval) {
        _doWhenInterval = window.setInterval(Utils._doWhenCheck, 50);

 * For cookie handling.
 * @class
 * @name Utils/Utils.Cookie
const Cookie = {
     * Sets a cookie.
     * @param {string} cName Cookie name.
     * @param {string} value Cookie value.
     * @param {number} exdays Days until expiration.
     * @param {string} path Cookie path.
     * @memberOf Utils/Utils.Cookie
    setCookie: function(cName, value, exdays, path) {
        var exdate = new Date(), c_value;
        exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
        c_value = encodeURIComponent(value);
        if (exdays) {
            c_value += "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString();
        if (path) {
            c_value += "; path=" + path;
        document.cookie = cName + "=" + c_value;

     * Gets a cookie.
     * @param {string} cName Cookie name.
     * @return {string|undefined} The cookie value associated with `cName`, or
     *   `undefined` if not found.
     * @memberOf Utils/Utils.Cookie
    getCookie: function(cName) {
        var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
        for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) {
            x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("="));
            y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1);
            x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
            if (x === cName) {
                return decodeURIComponent(y);

 * @alias module:Utils/Utils
const Utils = {
     * Capitalizes a string.
     * @param {string} s The string to capitalize.
     * @return {string} `s` capitalized, or an empty string if `s` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`.
    capitalize: s => s ? (s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + (s.length > 1 ? s.substr(1) : '')) : '',

     * Capitalizes a hyphenated string and removes the hyphens.
     * The first letter, and all letters after a hyphen, are capitalized,
     * so `"my-string"` becomes `"MyString"`.
     * @param {string} s The string to capitalize.
     * @return {string} `s` capitalized or an empty string if `s` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`.
    capitalizeHyphenated: function(s) {
        return this._classify(s, '-');

     * Capitalizes an underscored string and removes the underscores.
     * The first letter, and all letters after an underscore, are capitalized,
     * so `"my_string"` becomes `"MyString"`.
     * @param {string} s The string to capitalize.
     * @return {string} `s` capitalized or an empty string if `s` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`.
    classify: function(s) {
        return this._classify(s, '_');

     * Capitalizes a delimited string.
     * `"my_string"` becomes `"MyString"`.
     * @param {string} s The string to capitalize.
     * @param {string} [delimiter='_'] Delimiter string.
     * @return {string} Capitalized string or an empty string if `s` is
     *   `undefined` or `null`.
     * @private
    _classify: function(s, delimiter) {
        var self = this, result = '';
        delimiter = delimiter || '_';

        if (!s || s.lastIndexOf(delimiter) === -1) {
            result = self.capitalize(s);
        } else {
            var words = s.split(delimiter);
            _.each(words, function(word) {
                result += self.capitalize(word);
        return result;

     * Extends a Class based on the given controller.
     * If the controller has an `extendsFrom` property, it will be used to
     * define its parent class. It should be defined as a string in order
     * for the system to detect if there is any customization on that
     * parent (normally prefixed with `Custom` like `Custom<ClassName>`).
     * If the parent class defined in the `extendsFrom` property doesn't
     * exist or the controller isn't specifying one, it will fallback to
     * the supplied `defaultBase` param which has it's own set of fallback
     * strategy defined by the components that call this method. See
     * {@link View.ViewManager} and {@link Data.DataManager}.
     * @param {Object} cache Object cache to add controller to.
     * @param {Object} defaultBase Class to be extended from if no override
     *   (`extendsFrom`) is defined in the controller.
     * @param {string} className Class name to be used for new Class.
     * @param {Object} controller Properties for new Class.
     * @param {string} platformNamespace Platform name.
     * @return {Object} The new extended class.
    extendClass: function(cache, defaultBase, className, controller, platformNamespace) {
        var klass;

        if (!_.isObject(controller)) {
            // nothing to extend from, use default
            klass = cache[className] = defaultBase;
            return klass;

        if (_.isObject(controller.extendsFrom)) {
            //should be avoided due to chain breakage - aka custom fallback
            klass = cache[className] = controller.extendsFrom.extend(controller);
            return klass;

        if (!controller.extendsFrom) {
            // follow the default fallback flow
            klass = cache[className] = defaultBase.extend(controller);
            return klass;

        // try to find the base using the name and following the fallback flow
        var base = cache[platformNamespace + 'Custom' + controller.extendsFrom] ||
            cache[platformNamespace + controller.extendsFrom] ||
            cache['Custom' + controller.extendsFrom] ||

        if (!base) {
            SUGAR.App.logger.warn('The "' + controller.extendsFrom + '" component was not found to be used as ' +
                'the "' + className + '"\'s parent. Please update your code to point to an existing class.');
            base = defaultBase;

        klass = cache[className] = base.extend(controller);
        return klass;

     * Formats a number.
     * @param {number} value Number to be formatted eg 2.134.
     * @param {number} round number of digits to right of decimal to round at.
     * @param {number} precision number of digits to right of decimal to take
     *   precision at.
     * @param {string} numberGroupSeparator Character separator for number
     *   groups of 3 digits to the left of the decimal to add.
     * @param {string} decimalSeparator Character to replace decimal in arg
     *   number with.
     * @param {boolean} toStringOnly Flag for integer type field if `true`,
     *   convert integer to string value, else rounds it.
     * @return {string} Formatted number string OR original value if it is not
     *   a number.
    formatNumber: function(value, round, precision, numberGroupSeparator, decimalSeparator, toStringOnly) {
        round = round || precision;
        var original = value;
        if (_.isNaN(value) || !_.isFinite(value)) {
            return original;
        if (_.isString(value)) {
            value = parseFloat(value, 10);
                return original;
        // Return original value if it is not a number
        if(!_.isNumber(value)) {
            if(!_.isNull(value) && !_.isUndefined(value)) {
                // invalid variable type
                SUGAR.App.logger.warn('formatNumber: invalid variable type ('+typeof(original)+')');
            return original;

        // make sure that the precision variable is an integer and not a string
        // Big.js doesn't like it as a string
        if (_.isString(precision)) {
            precision = parseInt(precision);
        // stop rounding if integer type field
        value = toStringOnly === true ? value.toString() : Big(value).toFixed(precision);

        return (_.isString(numberGroupSeparator) && _.isString(decimalSeparator)) ?
            this.addNumberSeparators(value, numberGroupSeparator, decimalSeparator) : value;

     * Formats a number according to the current user locale.
     * @param {number} value Value to format.
     * @return {string} Formatted number.
    formatNumberLocale:function (value) {
        // use user locale, or decent defaults otherwise
        return this.formatNumber(
            User.getPreference('decimal_precision') || 2,
            User.getPreference('decimal_precision') || 2,
            User.getPreference('number_grouping_separator') || ',',
            User.getPreference('decimal_separator') || '.'

     * Formats a full name with the provided locale format.
     * @param {Object} params Name property values.
     * @param {string} params.first_name First name.
     * @param {string} params.last_name Last name.
     * @param {string} params.salutation Salutation.
     * @param {string} format Locale format (i.e. [f l s], [s l, f]).
     * @return {string} Formatted string.
    formatName: function(params, format) {
        return format.replace(/(f)|(l)|(s)/g, function(str, firstName, lastName, salutation) {
            if (firstName) {
                return params.first_name || '';
            if (lastName) {
                return params.last_name || '';
            if (salutation && (params.last_name || params.first_name)) {
                return params.salutation || '';
            return '';
            //Remove comma when last name is empty
            .replace(/^( )?,/g, '')
            //Remove comma when last name is provided but first name is empty
            .replace(/, $/g, '')
            //Remove extra spaces when middle part is missing
            .replace(/  /g, ' ')
            //trim spaces

     * Formats a record's name (ie. full name) according to the name format
     * passed in parameters or defined in the user preferences.
     * Format you can pass:
     * ```
     * 'f l s' will output: `FirstName LastName Salutation`,
     * 's l, f' will output: `Salutation LastName FirstName`.
     * ```
     * The module defines a `nameFormat` object that maps a letter to a
     * field.
     * ```
     * {
     *     s: 'salutation',
     *     f: 'first_name',
     *     l: 'last_name'
     * }
     * ```
     * @param {string} module The module name the record belongs to.
     * @param {Object} data The record attributes.
     * @param {string} [format=User.getPreference('default_locale_name_format')]
     *   The format definition.
     * @return {string} The formatted full name string.
    formatNameModel: function(module, data, format) {
        format = format || User.getPreference('default_locale_name_format');
        data = data || {};

        var metadata = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module) || {fields: {}};
        var formatMap = metadata.nameFormat || {};

        return _.reduce(format.split(''), function(formattedString, letter) {
            // only letters a-z may be significant in the format,
            // everything else is translated verbatim
            if (letter < 'a' || letter > 'z') {
                return formattedString + letter;
            if (!formatMap[letter]) {
                return formattedString;

            var enumLabel,
                isEnum = metadata.fields[formatMap[letter]] &&
                    metadata.fields[formatMap[letter]].type === 'enum' &&

            if (isEnum) {
                var list = Language.getAppListStrings(metadata.fields[formatMap[letter]].options);
                enumLabel = list[data[formatMap[letter]]] || data[formatMap[letter]] || '';

            return formattedString + (enumLabel || data[formatMap[letter]] || '');
        }, '')
            //Remove leading comma - i.e. ", John"
            .replace(/^( )?,/g, '')
            //Remove trailing comma - i.e., "John, ", "John,  ", etc.
            .replace(/, +$/g, '')
            //Remove extra spaces when middle part is missing
            .replace(/  /g, ' ')
            //trim spaces

     * Formats a full name according to the user's locale format.
     * @param {Object} params Name property values.
     * @param {string} params.first_name First name.
     * @param {string} params.last_name Last name.
     * @param {string} params.salutation Salutation.
     * @return {string} Formatted string.
    formatNameLocale: function(params) {
        return this.formatName(params, User.getPreference('default_locale_name_format'));

     * Adds number separators to a number string.
     * @param {string} numberString String of number to be modified of the
     *   format nn.nnn.
     * @param {string} numberGroupSeparator Character separator for number
     *   groups of 3 digits to the left of the decimal to add.
     * @param {string} decimalSeparator Character to replace decimal in arg
     *   number with.
     * @return {string} `numberString` with the appropriate separators added.
    addNumberSeparators: function(numberString, numberGroupSeparator, decimalSeparator) {
        var numberArray = numberString.split(".");
        var regex = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
        while (numberGroupSeparator !== '' && regex.test(numberArray[0])) {
            numberArray[0] = numberArray[0].toString().replace(regex, '$1' + numberGroupSeparator + '$2');
        return numberArray[0] + (numberArray.length > 1 &&
            numberArray[1] !== '' ? decimalSeparator + numberArray[1] : '');

     * Unformats number strings.
     * @param {string} numberString The number string to unformat.
     * @param {string} numberGroupSeparator The thousands separator.
     * @param {string} decimalSeparator The string between number and decimals.
     * @param {boolean} [toFloat=false] If `true`, convert string to float value.
     * @return {string} Formatted number string.
    unformatNumberString: function(numberString, numberGroupSeparator, decimalSeparator, toFloat) {
        toFloat = toFloat || false;
        if (typeof numberGroupSeparator === 'undefined' || typeof decimalSeparator === 'undefined') {
            return numberString;

        // if number is not as string, make it a string
        if (!_.isString(numberString)) {
            if (_.isFinite(numberString)) {
                // valid number, convert to string
                numberString = numberString.toString();
            } else {
                // invalid value: null, undefined, NaN, etc.
                // set to empty string
                numberString = '';

        // parse out number group separators
        if (numberGroupSeparator !== '') {
            var num_grp_sep_re = new RegExp('\\' + numberGroupSeparator, 'g');
            numberString = numberString.replace(num_grp_sep_re, '');

        // parse out decimal separators
        numberString = numberString.replace(decimalSeparator, '.');

        // remove any invalid chars
        //numberString = numberString.replace(/[^0-9\.\+\-\%]/g, '');

        // convert to float
        if (numberString.length > 0 && toFloat) {
            var float = parseFloat(numberString);
            if (float == numberString) {
                return float;

        return numberString;

     * Unformats a number string based on the current user's locale.
     * @param {string} value The number string to unformat.
     * @param {boolean} [toFloat=false] If `true`, convert string to float
     *   value.
     * @return {string} The formatted value.
    unformatNumberStringLocale: function(value, toFloat) {
        return this.unformatNumberString(
            User.getPreference('number_grouping_separator') || ',',
            User.getPreference('decimal_separator') || '.',

     * Replaces tokens like {0}, {1}, etc. with the provided arguments.
     * @param {string} format String to format.
     * @param {string} args Arguments to replace.
     * @return {string} Formatted string.
    formatString: function(format, args){
        for(var idx in args){
            format = format.replace('{'+idx+'}',args[idx]);
        return format;

     * Escapes a given string for use in a JavaScript regex.
     * @param {string} string The string to escape.
     * @return {string} `string` escaped.
    regexEscape: function regexEscape(string) {
        if( typeof regexEscape.specialRegExp == 'undefined' ) {
            var specials = [
                '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|',
                '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\',
                '-', ',', '^', '$', '#'
            regexEscape.specialRegExp = new RegExp(
                '(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g'
        return string.replace(regexEscape.specialRegExp, '\\$1');

     * Generates and returns a UUID according to RFC 4122.
     * @return {string} A UUID.
    generateUUID: function() {
        return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
             /*jshint -W016 */ // "Unexpected use of '|'.",
             /*jshint -W116 */ // "Expected '===' and instead saw '=='."
             var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
             return v.toString(16);

     * @type {Utils/Utils.Cookie}
     * @name cookie
    cookie: Cookie,

     * Checks if an email address is valid.
     * Only performs a very basic validation because the complexity of the
     * server-side regular expression is too great to mirror on the client,
     * both in terms of maintenance and difficulty in porting to a different
     * engine. Even if the light-weight validation passes, the server-side
     * validation may fail.
     * @param {string} address The email address to check.
     * @return {boolean} `false` if this is definitely an invalid email
     *   address. A return value of `true` does not guarantee that this is a
     *   valid email address.
    isValidEmailAddress: function(address) {
        return /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@\S+$/.test(address);

     *  Based on {@link https://yui.github.io/yui2/docs/yui_2.9.0_full/event/index.html#onavailable|YUI's onAvailable},
     *  but will use any boolean function instead of an ID. Once the given
     *  condition is met, the callback function will be executed.
     * ```
     * // Execute a callback once an Object is defined
     * Utils.doWhen('SUGAR.ObjectToWaitFor', function(){
     *     // Use the object here
     *     console.log(SUGAR.ObjectToWaitFor);
     * });
     * // Use a function for condition and set parameters for the callback
     * var el = $('#myId');
     * var cond = function(){return el.hasClass('foo')};
     * var callback = function(params) {
     *     this.log(params.msg);
     *     el.html(params.html);
     * };
     * Utils.doWhen(cond, callback, {
     *     msg: 'Hello World',
     *     html: '&lt;h1&gt;Exists!&lt;/h1&gt;'
     * }, console);
     * ```
     * @param {Function|string} condition Function/evaluatable string which
     *   must return a boolean value.
     * @param {Function} callback Function to execute when `condition` is met.
     * @param {Object} [params] Object to pass to `callback`.
     * @param {Object} [scope] Object to use as `this` when executing
     *   `callback`.
    doWhen : function(condition, callback, params, scope){
            check: condition,
            fn: callback,
            obj: params,
            overrideContext: scope

        _doWhenretryCount = 50;

     * The guts of `doWhen`. Runs through the stack checking all the conditions
     * and fires the callbacks when the conditions are met.
     * @private
    // FIXME: we cannot make this truly private because it is used by the metadata-manager test (ugh...)
    _doWhenCheck : function () {
        if (_doWhenStack.length === 0) {
            _doWhenretryCount = 0;
            if (_doWhenInterval) {
                _doWhenInterval = null;

        if (_doWhenLocked) {

        _doWhenLocked = true;

        // keep trying until after the page is loaded.  We need to
        // check the page load state prior to trying to bind the
        // elements so that we can be certain all elements have been
        // tested appropriately
        var tryAgain = $.isReady;
        if (!tryAgain) {
            tryAgain = (_doWhenretryCount > 0 && _doWhenStack.length > 0);

        // onAvailable
        var notAvail = [];

        var executeItem = function (context, item) {
            if (item.overrideContext) {
                if (item.overrideContext === true) {
                    context = item.obj;
                } else {
                    context = item.overrideContext;
            if (item.fn) {
                item.fn.call(context, item.obj);

        var i, len, item, test;

        // onAvailable onContentReady
        for (i = 0, len = _doWhenStack.length; i < len; i = i + 1) {
            item = _doWhenStack[i];
            if (item) {
                test = item.check;
                if ((typeof(test) == 'string' &&
                     eval(test)) || // jshint ignore:line
                    (typeof(test) == 'function' && test())
                ) {
                    executeItem(this, item);
                    _doWhenStack[i] = null;
                else {


        if (tryAgain) {
            for (i = _doWhenStack.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
                item = _doWhenStack[i];
                if (!item || !item.check) {
                    _doWhenStack.splice(i, 1);
        } else {
            if (_doWhenInterval) {
                _doWhenInterval = null;
        _doWhenLocked = false;

     * Compares two version strings.
     * Example:
     * ```
     * Utils.versionCompare('8.2.5rc', '8.2.5a'); // 1
     * Utils.versionCompare('8.2.50', '8.2.52', '<') // true
     * Utils.versionCompare('5.3.0-dev', '5.3.0') === -1
     * Utils.versionCompare('','') === 1
     * ```
     * @param {string} v1 First version.
     * @param {string} v2 Second version.
     * @param {string} [operator] Operator argument, if specified, test for
     *   a particular relationship. The possible operators are:
     *   `<`, `lt`, `<=`, `le`, `>`, `gt`, `>=`, `ge`, `==`, `=`, `eq`,
     *   `!=`, `<>`, and `ne`.
     *   This parameter is case-sensitive, values should be lowercase.
     * @return {number|boolean} By default, returns -1 if the first version
     *   is lower than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second
     *   is lower. When using the optional operator argument, the function
     *   will return `true` if the relationship is the one specified by the
     *   operator, `false` otherwise.
    versionCompare: function(v1, v2, operator) {
        // Use php.js implementation
        // http://phpjs.org/functions/version_compare/
        return version_compare(v1, v2, operator);

     * Forces one class to extend from another and optionally
     * overrides specific properties.
     * @param {Function} subc Constructor for the subclass.
     * @param {Function} superc Constructor for the superclass.
     * @param {Object} overrides Properties to override on `subc`'s prototype.
    extendFrom: function(subc, superc, overrides) {
        subc.prototype = new superc(); // set the superclass
        // overrides
        _.extend(subc.prototype, overrides);

     * Creates a deep clone of an object.
     * @param {*} obj The object to clone.
     * @return {*} A value of the same type as the input.
    deepCopy: function(obj) {
        return _.isObject(obj) ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) : obj;

     * Compare field values in the first bean with the second bean and return
     * the field names that have different values.
     * @param {Data/Bean} beanA The first bean.
     * @param {Data/Bean} beanB The second bean.
     * @return {string[]} A list of names of fields whose values differ between
     *   `beanA` and `beanB`.
    compareBeans: function(beanA, beanB) {
        var changedFields;

        if (beanA.module !== beanB.module) {
            throw Error('Only beans of the same module can be compared.');

        changedFields = _.reduce(beanA.attributes, function(memo, value, attribute) {
            // skip id field and all fields that start with an underscore
            if ((attribute !== 'id') && (attribute.indexOf('_') !== 0)) {
                if (
                    !this.areBeanValuesEqual(value, beanB.get(attribute)) &&
                        this.hasDefaultValueChanged(attribute, beanA)
                    ) {

            return memo;
        }, [], this);

        return changedFields;

     * Checks to see if values in beans are equal to each other.
     * @param {*} value1 The first value.
     * @param {*} value2 The second value.
     * @return {boolean} `true` if the values are equal; `false` otherwise.
    areBeanValuesEqual: function(value1, value2) {
        var getValueToCompare = function(value) {
            if (_.isObject(value) && _.isEmpty(value)) {
                return '';
            } else if (!_.isObject(value) && (_.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value))) {
                return '';
            } else {
                return value;

        value1 = getValueToCompare(value1);
        value2 = getValueToCompare(value2);

        return ((_.isObject(value1) && _.isEqual(value1, value2)) || (!_.isObject(value1) && (value1 === value2)));

     * Checks to see if the default value has changed.
     * @param {string} attribute The bean attribute you are interested in.
     * @param {Data/Bean} bean The bean to check the value of.
     * @return {boolean} `true` if the value of `attribute` for `bean`
     *   is different than its default value; `false` otherwise.
    hasDefaultValueChanged: function(attribute, bean) {
        var defaultValue = bean._defaults ? bean._defaults[attribute] : '';
        return !this.areBeanValuesEqual(defaultValue, bean.get(attribute));

     * Checks if the AJAX error is a network connectivity error: timeout, DNS,
     * etc.
     * @param {Api.HttpError} ajaxError AJAX error.
     * @return {boolean} `true` if the error is a network error; `false`
     *   otherwise.
    isConnectivityError: function(ajaxError) {
        // There can be situations when the status is not zero but the actual request times out.
        return ((ajaxError.status === 0) ||
                (ajaxError.textStatus === "timeout"));

     * Returns ISO8601 timestamp in UTC time.
     * @param {string|number} [dateValue=new Date()] Date string or raw msec
     *     number.
     * @param {Object} [options={}] Extra parameters.
     * @param {boolean} [options.msecPrecision=false] If `true`, include
     *   milliseconds in the output.
     * @return {string} Passed date or current date converted to UTC timezone.
    getTimestamp: function(dateValue, options) {
        options = options || {};
        var date = dateValue ? new Date(dateValue) : new Date(),
            dateString = date.toISOString();

        if (!options.msecPrecision) {
            dateString = dateString.replace(/\.\d{3}/, '');

        //Z is replaced with +00:00 for unification with server
        return dateString.replace(/Z/, '+00:00');

     * Builds a good url based on `siteUrl` from configuration.
     * It is ready for the several use cases that `siteUrl` can have:
     * - relative path (aka context);
     * - full path;
     * - empty path.
     * @param {string} url The full url or a relative url without the
     *   prepended `/`.
     * @return {string} The constructed URL.
    buildUrl: function(url) {
        // Adjust relative URL: prepend it with site URL
        if (url.indexOf("http") !== 0 && !_.isEmpty(SUGAR.App.config.siteUrl)) {
            // Strip trailing forward slashes from site URL just in case
            url = SUGAR.App.config.siteUrl.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + url;
        return url;

     * Gets the diff between `data1` and `data2`.
     * Intended for comparing objects with the same properties.
     * @param {Object} data1 Changed object
     * @param {Object} data2 Original object
     * @param {boolean} [strict=false] By default values are compared property
     *   by property via non-strict comparison.
     * @return {Object} Hash of fields from `data1` which are different from `data2`.
    getChangedProps: function (data1, data2, strict) {
         * Determines the type of a given value.
         * @param {*} value The value to check.
         * @return {string} 'array' if `value` is an array, 'object' if it is
         *   and object, and 'other' in all other cases.
         * @private
        function getType(value) {
            if (_.isObject(value)) {
                if (_.isArray(value)) {
                    return 'array';
                return 'object';
            return 'other';

        function isEqualProp (value1, value2) {
            if (strict) return _.isEqual(value1, value2);

            var value1Type = getType(value1),
                value2Type = getType(value2);

            if (value1Type === value2Type && _.contains(['object', 'array'], value1Type)) {
                if (value1Type === 'array' && value1.length !== value2.length) {
                    return false;

                var keys1 = _.keys(value1),
                    keys2 = _.keys(value2);

                if (keys1.length !== keys2.length || !_.isEqual(keys1.sort(), keys2.sort())) {
                    return false;

                return !_.any(value1, function (val, key) {
                    return !isEqualProp(value1[key], value2[key]);
            else {
                return strict ? (value1 === value2) : (value1 == value2);

        var diff = {};

        _.each(data1, function (value, key) {
            if (!isEqualProp(data1[key], data2[key])) {
                diff[key] = value;

        return diff;

     * Gets the layout container for the given component.
     * @param {View/Component} component The component whose layout you want.
     * @return {View/Layout} The layout container for the given `component`.
    getParentLayout: function(component) {
        var parent;

        if (component.view && component.view.layout) {
            parent = component.view.layout;
        } else {
            parent = component.layout;

        return parent;

     * Determines if a given module is sortable on a certain field when in a
     * particular view.
     * @param {string} module The module to check.
     * @param {Object} fieldViewdef Viewdef for the field to consider.
     * @param {string} fieldViewdef.name Name of the field; used to look up
     *   vardefs.
     * @param {boolean} [fieldViewdef.sortable] If not `undefined`, determines
     *   whether the module is sortable or not, regardless of vardefs.
     * @return {boolean} `true` if `module` can be sorted by the field given by
     *   `fieldViewdef`; `false` otherwise.
    isSortable: function(module, fieldViewdef) {
        var fieldVardef = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module).fields[fieldViewdef.name],
            isSortable = true;

        if (fieldVardef && !_.isUndefined(fieldVardef.sortable)) {
            isSortable = fieldVardef.sortable;
        if (fieldViewdef && !_.isUndefined(fieldViewdef.sortable)) {
            isSortable = fieldViewdef.sortable;
        return isSortable;

     * Returns a URL without the http(s):// prefix.
     * @param {string} url Input url.
     * @return {string} `url` without the http(s):// prefix.
    stripHttpPrefix: function(url) {
        return url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '');

     * Performs a hard refresh of the current page.
    hardRefresh: function() {

     * Checks if the value should be rendered in RTL.
     * @param {string} value The value to check.
     * @return {boolean} `true` if the string is in a RTL language.
    isDirectionRTL: function(value) {
        var ltrChars = 'A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02B8\u0300-\u0590\u0800-\u1FFF' +
            rtlChars = '\u0591-\u07FF\uFB1D-\uFDFD\uFE70-\uFEFC',
            isRTL = new RegExp('^[^' + ltrChars + ']*[' + rtlChars + ']');

        return isRTL.test(value);

     * Converts provided value to provided type. Intended to convert numbers
     * stored as strings using the appropriate conversion function.
     * @param {string} value The value to convert
     * @param {string} type Abbreviated type to be converted to
     * @returns {number} Value converted to provided type
    convertNumericType: function (value, type) {
        switch (type) {
            case 'int':
                return parseInt(value);
            case 'float':
            case 'decimal':
                return parseFloat(value);
        return Number(value);

module.exports = Utils;