* Your installation or use of this SugarCRM file is subject to the applicable
* terms available at
* http://support.sugarcrm.com/Resources/Master_Subscription_Agreements/.
* If you do not agree to all of the applicable terms or do not have the
* authority to bind the entity as an authorized representative, then do not
* install or use this SugarCRM file.
* Copyright (C) SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.
const Acl = require('../core/acl');
const Component = require('./component');
const PluginManager = require('../core/plugin-manager');
const Language = require('../core/language');
const Template = require('./template');
* Base View class. Use {@link View.ViewManager} to create instances of views.
* @module View/View
* @class
* @extends View/Component
const View = Component.extend({
* Initializes this view.
* @param {Object} options Backbone view options.
* @memberOf View/Field
* @instance
initialize: function(options) {
PluginManager.attach(this, 'view');
Component.prototype.initialize.call(this, options);
* View type.
* @type {string}
* @name type
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
this.type = options.type;
* Name of the view.
* @type {string}
* @name name
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
this.name = options.name || this.type;
* Name of the action (optional).
* Used in acl checks for user permissions. By default, set to the view name.
* @type {string}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name action
* @instance
this.action = options.meta && options.meta.action ? options.meta.action : this.name;
* Dictionary of field widgets.
* * keys: field IDs (sfuuid)
* * values: instances of {@link View/Field}
* @type {Object}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name fields
* @instance
this.fields = {};
* Fields part of this view that are already managed by another
* lifecycle handler.
* @type {Object}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name nestedFields
* @instance
this.nestedFields = {};
* A template to use for view fields if a field does not have a template defined for its parent view.
* Defaults to `"default"`.
* For example, if you have a subview and don't want to define subview template for all field types,
* you may choose to use existing templates like `detail` if your subview is in fact a detail view.
* @type {string}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name fallbackFieldTemplate
* @instance
this.fallbackFieldTemplate = this.fallbackFieldTemplate || "detail";
* Reference to the parent layout instance.
* @type {View/Layout}
* @name layout
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
this.layout = this.options.layout;
* Flag indicating whether a view is primary or not.
* If the primary view is not rendered due to the access control,
* a warning message will be displayed.
* @type {boolean}
* @name primary
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
this.primary = options.primary;
* The view name that contains the list of fields to use when
* fetching the model/collection from the server.
* List, record or detail views might have too many fields defined
* in the metadata. This property avoids having to list all these
* fields in the request params.
* @type {string}
* @name dataView
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
if (this.dataView) {
this.context.set('dataView', this.dataView);
} else {
SUGAR.App.events.on('app:locale:change', function() {
}, this);
* Gets the template falling back using `loadModule` property when
* specified.
* @param {string} name The template's name to get.
* @param {string} [fallbackModule] The module to fall back to if the
* template does not exist in this view's module. If undefined, the
* template is grabbed in `base`.
* @return {Function} The desired template.
* @private
_getTemplate: function(name, fallbackModule) {
return Template.getView(name, this.module) || Template.getView(name, fallbackModule);
* Sets the appropriate template for this view to {@link #template}.
* Sets the name of the template to {@link #tplName}.
* @param {Object} [options] The options that may specify the template to
* load.
* @param {Function} [options.template] The compiled template.
* @param {string} [options.loadModule] The fallback module to get the
* template from.
* @private
_loadTemplate: function(options) {
var template, templateName;
options = options || {};
if (options.template) {
template = options.template;
templateName = null;
} else if (this.meta && this.meta.template) {
template = this._getTemplate(this.meta.template, options.loadModule);
templateName = this.meta.template;
} else {
template = this._getTemplate(this.name, options.loadModule);
templateName = this.name;
if (!template) {
if (this.meta && this.meta.type) {
template = this._getTemplate(this.meta.type, options.loadModule);
templateName = this.meta.type;
} else {
template = Template.empty;
templateName = '';
* The name of the template that is loaded.
* This is a public read-only property. This property should not be
* modified directly.
* @type {string|null}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name tplName
* @instance
this.tplName = templateName;
* The template for this view.
* @type {Function}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name template
* @instance
this.template = template;
* Renders a view onto the page.
* This method uses `ctx` parameter as the context for the view's
* Handlebars {@link View/View#template} and view's
* `options.templateOptions` property as template options.
* If no `ctx` parameter is specified, `this` is passed as the context for
* the template.
* If no `options` parameter is specified, `this.options.templateOptions`
* is used.
* You can override this method if you have custom rendering logic and
* don't use Handlebars templating or if you need to pass a different
* context object for the template.
* Note the following use of `ViewManager.View.extend` is deprecated in
* favor of putting these controllers in the sugarcrm/clients/<platform>
* directory. Using that idiom, the metadata manager will declare these
* components and take care of namespacing by platform for you
* (so MyCustomView will be stored internally as MyappMyCustomView).
* If you do choose to use the following idiom please be forewarned
* that you will lose any namespacing benefits and possibly encounter
* naming collisions!
* Example:
* ```
* // Note that using the following technique of defining custom views
* // directly on the ViewManager.views object can result in naming
* // collisions unless you ensure your name is unique. See note above.
* ViewManager.views.CustomView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* _renderHtml: function() {
* var ctx = {
* // Your custom context for this view template
* };
* ViewManager.View.prototype._renderHtml.call(this, ctx);
* }
* });
* // Or totally different logic that doesn't use this.template
* ViewManager.views.AnotherCustomView = ViewManager.View.extend({
* _renderHtml: function() {
* // Never do this :)
* return "<div>Hello, world!</div>";
* }
* });
* ```
* This method uses this view's {@link View/View#template} property to
* render itself.
* @param {Core/Context} [ctx] Template context.
* @param {Object} [options] Template options.
* ```
* {
* helpers: helpers,
* partials: partials,
* data: data
* }
* // See Handlebars.js documentation for details.
* ```
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_renderHtml: function(ctx, options) {
if (this.template) {
try {
this.$el.html(this.template(ctx || this, options || this.options.templateOptions));
} catch (e) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error("Failed to render " + this + "\n" + e);
SUGAR.App.error.handleRenderError(this, '_renderHtml');
* Renders all the fields.
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_renderFields: function() {
var self = this;
// In terms of performance it is better to search the DOM once for
// all the fields, than to search the DOM for each field. That's why
// we cache placeholders locally and pass them to
// {@link View/Field#_renderField}.
var fieldElems = {};
this.$('span[sfuuid]').each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
sfId = $this.attr('sfuuid');
fieldElems[sfId] = $this;
_.each(this.fields, function(field) {
self._renderField(field, fieldElems[field.sfId]);
* Sets field's view element and invokes render on the given field.
* @param {View/Field} field The field to render.
* @param {jQuery} $fieldEl The field placeholder.
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_renderField: function(field, $fieldEl) {
field.setElement($fieldEl || this.$("span[sfuuid='" + field.sfId + "']"));
try {
} catch (e) {
SUGAR.App.logger.error('Failed to render ' + field + ' on ' + this + '\n' + e);
SUGAR.App.error.handleRenderError(this, '_renderField', field);
* Renders a view onto the page.
* The method first renders this view by calling {@link View/View#_renderHtml}
* and then for each field invokes {@link View/View#_renderField}.
* NOTE: Do not override this method, otherwise you will lose ACL check.
* Consider overriding {@link View/View#_renderHtml} instead.
* @return {View/View} The instance of this view.
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_render: function() {
if (Acl.hasAccessToModel(this.action, this.model)) {
} else {
SUGAR.App.logger.info('Current user does not have access to this module view. name: ' + this.name +
' module: ' + this.module);
// See Bug56941.
// We suppress this warning from being presented to user in situations where we're trying
// to display a view for a Linked module where the user does not have access. If you clicked on
// a Bug and you shouldn't get warnings about Notes, etc, if you didn't have access to those other modules.
SUGAR.App.error.handleRenderError(this, 'view_render_denied');
return this;
_setLabels: function() {
* Pluralized i18n-ed module name.
* @type {string}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name modulePlural
* @instance
this.modulePlural = Language.getAppListStrings("moduleList")[this.module] || this.module;
* Singular i18n-ed module name.
* @type {string}
* @memberOf View/View
* @name moduleSingular
* @instance
this.moduleSingular = Language.getAppListStrings("moduleListSingular")[this.module] || this.modulePlural;
* Fetches data for view's model or collection.
* This method calls view's context {@link Core/Context#loadData} method.
* Override this method to provide custom fetch algorithm.
* @param {Object} [options] Options that are passed to
* collection/model's fetch method.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
loadData: function(options) {
if (Acl.hasAccess('read', this.module)) {
* Extracts the field names from the metadata for directly related
* views/panels.
* @param {string} [module] Module name. Defaults to the Context module.
* @return {Array} List of fields used on this view.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
getFieldNames: function(module) {
var fields = [];
module = module || this.context.get('module');
if (this.meta && this.meta.panels) {
fields = _.reduce(_.map(this.meta.panels, function(panel) {
var nestedFields = _.flatten(_.compact(_.pluck(panel.fields, "fields")));
return _.pluck(panel.fields, 'name').concat(
_.pluck(nestedFields, 'name')).concat(
_.flatten(_.compact(_.pluck(panel.fields, 'related_fields'))));
}), function(memo, field) {
return memo.concat(field);
}, []);
fields = _.compact(_.uniq(fields));
var fieldMetadata = SUGAR.App.metadata.getModule(module, 'fields');
if (fieldMetadata) {
// Filter out all fields that are not actual bean fields
fields = _.reject(fields, function(name) {
return _.isUndefined(fieldMetadata[name]);
// we need to find the relates and add the actual id fields
var relates = [];
_.each(fields, function(name) {
if (fieldMetadata[name].type == 'relate') {
else if (fieldMetadata[name].type == 'parent') {
if (_.isArray(fieldMetadata[name].fields)) {
relates = relates.concat(fieldMetadata[name].fields);
fields = _.union(fields, relates);
return fields;
* Gets a hash of fields that are currently displayed on this view.
* The hash has field names as keys and field definitions as values.
* @param {string} [module] Module name.
* @param {Data/Bean} [model] Model to match fields against. Only
* fields that correspond with the given model will be returned.
* @return {Object} The currently displayed fields.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
getFields: function(module, model) {
var fields = {};
var fieldNames = this.getFieldNames(module);
_.each(fieldNames, function(name) {
var field = this.getField(name, model);
if (field) {
fields[name] = field.def;
}, this);
return fields;
* Returns a field by name.
* @param {string} name Field name.
* @param {Data/Bean} [model] Model to find the field for.
* @return {View/Field} Instance of the field widget.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
getField: function(name, model) {
return _.find(_.extend({}, this.fields, this.nestedFields), function(field) {
return field.name == name && (!model || field.model == model);
* @inheritdoc
* @memberOf View/View
closestComponent: function(name) {
if (!this.layout) {
if (this.layout.name === name) {
return this.layout;
return this.layout.closestComponent(name);
* @inheritdoc
* @memberOf View/View
_show: function() {
_.each(_.extend({}, this.fields, this.nestedFields), function(component) {
* @inheritdoc
* @memberOf View/View
_hide: function() {
_.each(_.extend({}, this.fields, this.nestedFields), function(component) {
* Disposes a view.
* This method disposes view fields and calls the
* {@link View/Component#_dispose} method of the base class.
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_dispose: function() {
PluginManager.detach(this, 'view');
* Disposes all the fields.
* @protected
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
_disposeFields: function() {
_.each(this.fields, function(field) {
this.fields = {};
this.nestedFields = {};
* Gets a string representation of this view.
* @return {string} String representation of this view.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
toString: function() {
return 'view-' + this.name + '-' + Component.prototype.toString.call(this);
* Gets a field's metadata.
* @param {string} field Field name.
* @param {boolean} [includeChild=false] If `true`, check if this is a
* child field.
* @return {Object} Field metadata.
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
getFieldMeta : function(field, includeChild) {
var fields = _.flatten(_.pluck(this.meta.panels, "fields")),
ret = _.find(fields, function(def) {
return def.name === field;
if (!ret && includeChild) {
ret = _.find(_.flatten(_.pluck(fields, "fields")), function(def) {
return def && def.name === field;
if (ret) {
ret._isChild = true;
return ret;
* Sets a field's metadata.
* @param {string} field Field name.
* @param {Object} meta Field metadata
* @memberOf View/View
* @instance
setFieldMeta : function(field, meta) {
_.each(this.meta.panels, function(panel) {
_.each(panel.fields, function(def, i) {
if (def.name === field) {
panel.fields[i] = _.extend(def, meta);
} else if (_.isArray(def.fields)) {
_.each(def.fields, function(childDef, j) {
if (childDef.name === field) {
def.fields[j] = _.extend(childDef, meta);
module.exports = View;