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    functionget_mode(  $key = 'dir_mode', int $mode = null ) : int


    Will check to see if there is a default mode defined in the config file, otherwise return the $mode given as input

    Name Type Description
    $mode int
    • the mode being passed by the calling function. This value will be overridden by a value defined in the config file.
    Type Description
    int - the mode either found in the config file or passed in via the input parameter
    functionsugar_cached( string $file ) : void

    Get filename in cache directory

    Name Type Description
    $file string
    functionsugar_chgrp( \filename $filename, \group $group = '' ) : boolean

    sugar_chgrp Attempts to change the group of the file filename to the group specified in the default_permissions configuration; otherwise it will use the group value.

    Name Type Description
    $filename \filename
    • Path to the file
    $group \group
    • A group name or number
    Type Description
    boolean - Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
    functionsugar_chmod( string $filename, int $mode = null ) : boolean

    sugar_chmod Attempts to change the permission of the specified filename to the mode value specified in the default_permissions configuration; otherwise, it will use the mode value.

    Name Type Description
    $filename string

    filename - Path to the file

    $mode int

    The integer value of the permissions mode to set the created directory to

    Type Description
    boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
    functionsugar_chown( \filename $filename, \user $user = '' ) : boolean

    sugar_chown Attempts to change the owner of the file filename to the user specified in the default_permissions configuration; otherwise, it will use the user value.

    Name Type Description
    $filename \filename
    • Path to the file
    $user \user
    • A user name or number
    Type Description
    boolean - Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
    functionsugar_file_get_contents( \$filename $filename, \$use_include_path $use_include_path = false,  $context = null ) : string | boolean


    Name Type Description
    $filename \$filename
    • String value of the file to create
    $use_include_path \$use_include_path
    • boolean value indicating whether or not to search the the included_path
    Type Description
    string | boolean - Returns a file data on success, false otherwise
    functionsugar_file_put_contents( \$filename $filename, \$data $data, \$flags $flags = null,  $context = null ) : int

    sugar_file_put_contents Call this function instead of file_put_contents to apply preconfigured permission settings when creating the the file. This method is basically a wrapper to the PHP file_put_contents function except that it supports setting the mode value by using the configuration file (if set). The mode is 0777 by default.

    Name Type Description
    $filename \$filename
    • String value of the file to create
    $data \$data
    • The data to be written to the file
    $flags \$flags
    • int as specifed by file_put_contents parameters
    Type Description
    int - Returns the number of bytes written to the file, false otherwise.
    functionsugar_file_put_contents_atomic( \$filename $filename, \$data $data, string $mode = 'wb', boolean $use_include_path = false, \context $context = null ) : boolean

    sugar_file_put_contents_atomic This is an atomic version of sugar_file_put_contents. It attempts to circumvent the shortcomings of file_put_contents by creating a temporary unique file and then doing an atomic rename operation.

    Name Type Description
    $filename \$filename
    • String value of the file to create
    $data \$data
    • The data to be written to the file
    $mode string

    String value of the parameter to specify the type of access you require to the file stream

    $use_include_path boolean

    set to '1' or TRUE if you want to search for the file in the include_path too

    $context \context

    Context to pass into fopen operation

    Type Description
    boolean - Returns true if $filename was created, false otherwise.
    functionsugar_fopen( \$filename $filename, \$mode $mode, \$$use_include_path $use_include_path = false,  $context = null ) : boolean

    sugar_fopen Call this function instead of fopen to apply preconfigured permission settings when creating the the file. This method is basically a wrapper to the PHP fopen function except that it supports setting the mode value by using the configuration file (if set). The mode is 0777 by default.

    Name Type Description
    $filename \$filename
    • String value of the file to create
    $mode \$mode
    • The integer value of the permissions mode to set the created file to
    $use_include_path \$$use_include_path
    • boolean value indicating whether or not to search the the included_path
    Type Description
    boolean - Returns a file pointer on success, false otherwise
    functionsugar_is_dir(  $path,  $mode = 'r' ) : void

    Name Type Description
    functionsugar_is_file(  $path,  $mode = 'r' ) : void

    Name Type Description
    functionsugar_mkdir( \$pathname $pathname, \$mode $mode = null, \$recursive $recursive = false,  $context = '' ) : boolean

    sugar_mkdir Call this function instead of mkdir to apply preconfigured permission settings when creating the directory. This method is basically a wrapper to the PHP mkdir function except that it supports setting the mode value by using the configuration file (if set). The mode is 0777 by default.

    Name Type Description
    $pathname \$pathname
    • String value of the directory to create
    $mode \$mode
    • The integer value of the permissions mode to set the created directory to
    $recursive \$recursive
    • boolean value indicating whether or not to create recursive directories if needed
    Type Description
    boolean - Returns true on success false on failure
    functionsugar_touch( \$filename $filename, \$time $time = null, \$atime $atime = null ) : boolean

    sugar_touch Attempts to set the access and modification times of the file named in the filename parameter to the value given in time . Note that the access time is always modified, regardless of the number of parameters. If the file does not exist it will be created.

    This method is basically a wrapper to the PHP touch method except that created files may be set with the permissions specified in the configuration file (if set).

    Name Type Description
    $filename \$filename
    • The name of the file being touched.
    $time \$time
    • The touch time. If time is not supplied, the current system time is used.
    $atime \$atime
    • If present, the access time of the given filename is set to the value of atime
    Type Description
    boolean - Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
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