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SugarBean is the base class for all business objects in Sugar. It implements the primary functionality needed for manipulating business objects: create, retrieve, update, delete. It allows for searching and retrieving list of records.

It allows for retrieving related objects (e.g. contacts related to a specific account).

In the current implementation, there can only be one bean per folder. Naming convention has the bean name be the same as the module and folder name. All bean names should be singular (e.g. Contact). The primary table name for a bean should be plural (e.g. contacts).



Propertypublic  $acltype= ''module''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$acltype
Propertypublic  $additional_column_fields= 'Array()'
Propertypublic  $additional_meta_fields= 'array()'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$additional_meta_fields
Propertypublic  $column_fields= 'array()'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$column_fields
Propertypublic  $created_by= ''
Propertypublic  $created_by_name= ''
Propertypublic  $current_notify_user= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$current_notify_user
Propertypublic  $custom_fields= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$custom_fields
Propertypublic  $date_entered= ''
Propertypublic  $date_modified= ''
Propertypublic\DBManager  $db= ''

A pointer to the database object

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$db
PropertypublicBOOL  $deleted= ''

true if this bean has been deleted, false otherwise.

Propertypublic  $disable_custom_fields= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$disable_custom_fields
PropertypublicBOOL  $disable_row_level_security= 'false'

Pro Only -- When all data of a specifiy module is publically available, row level security can be turned off. This should only be used for modules that do not need row level security.

-- default falseInherited from: \SugarBean::$$disable_row_level_security
PropertypublicBOOL  $disable_vardefs= 'false'

Disble vardefs. This should be set to true only for beans that do not have varders. Tracker is an example

-- default falseInherited from: \SugarBean::$$disable_vardefs
PropertypublicBOOL  $duplicates_found= 'false'

When running a query on related items using the method: retrieve_by_string_fields this value will be set to true if more than one item matches the search criteria.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$duplicates_found
Propertypublic  $fetched_row= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$fetched_row
Propertypublic  $field_defs= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$field_defs
Propertypublic  $field_name_map= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$field_name_map
Propertypublic  $force_load_details= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$force_load_details
Propertypublic  $id= ''
Propertypublic  $importable= 'true'

Set to true in the child beans if the module supports importing

Propertypublic  $in_import= 'false'

Set to true in <modules>/Import/views/view.step4.php if a module is being imported

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$in_import
Propertypublic  $in_workflow= 'false'

Set to true if the bean is being dealt with in a workflow

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$in_workflow
Propertypublic  $layout_def= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$layout_def
Propertypublic  $list_fields= 'array()'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$list_fields
Propertypublic  $listview_inner_join= 'array()'

Used to pass inner join string to ListView Data.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$listview_inner_join
Propertypublic  $modified_by_name= ''
Propertypublic  $modified_user_id= ''
PropertypublicString  $module_dir= ''TaxRates''

The name of the module folder for this type of bean.

Propertypublic  $module_name= ''''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$module_name
Propertypublic  $name= ''
PropertypublicString  $new_assigned_user_name= ''

holds the full name of the user that an item is assigned to. Only used if notifications are turned on and going to be sent out.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$new_assigned_user_name
Propertypublic  $new_schema= 'true'
PropertypublicBOOL  $new_with_id= 'false'

When createing a bean, you can specify a value in the id column as long as that value is unique. During save, if the system finds an id, it assumes it is an update. Setting new_with_id to true will make sure the system performs an insert instead of an update.

-- default falseInherited from: \SugarBean::$$new_with_id
Propertypublic  $number_formatting_done= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$number_formatting_done
PropertypublicString  $object_name= '"TaxRate"'

This is the singular name of the bean. (i.e. Contact).

Propertypublic  $optimistic_lock= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$optimistic_lock
Propertypublic  $process_field_encrypted= 'false'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$process_field_encrypted
PropertypublicBOOL  $process_save_dates= 'true'

Whether to process date/time fields for storage in the database in GMT

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$process_save_dates
PropertypublicArray  $processed_dates_times= 'array()'

An array of booleans. This array is cleared out when data is loaded.

of booleansInherited from: \SugarBean::$$processed_dates_times
Propertypublic  $rel_handler= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$rel_handler
Propertypublic  $relationship_fields= 'array()'
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$relationship_fields
PropertypublicBOOL  $save_from_post= 'true'

This signals to the bean that it is being saved in a mass mode.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$save_from_post
Propertypublic\unknown_type  $set_created_by= 'true'

This allows for seed data to be created without using the current uesr to set the id.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$set_created_by
Propertypublic  $special_notification= 'false'

Set to true in the child beans if the module use the special notification template

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$special_notification
Propertypublic  $status= ''
PropertypublicString  $table_name= '"taxrates"'

The database table where records of this Bean are stored.

Propertypublic  $team_set_id= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$team_set_id
Propertypublic  $tracker_visibility= 'true'

By default it will be true but if any module is to be kept non visible to tracker, then its value needs to be overriden in that particular module to false.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$tracker_visibility
Propertypublic  $ungreedy_count= 'false'

Set this to true if you query contains a sub-select and bean is converting both select statements into count queries.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$ungreedy_count
PropertypublicBOOL  $update_date_entered= 'false'

Setting this to true allows for updates to overwrite the date_entered

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$update_date_entered
PropertypublicBOOL  $update_date_modified= 'true'

Should the date modified column of the bean be updated during save? This is used for admin level functionality that should not be updating the date modified. This is only used by sync to allow for updates to be replicated in a way that will not cause them to be replicated back.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$update_date_modified
PropertypublicBOOL  $update_modified_by= 'true'

Should the modified by column of the bean be updated during save? This is used for admin level functionality that should not be updating the modified by column. This is only used by sync to allow for updates to be replicated in a way that will not cause them to be replicated back.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::$$update_modified_by
Propertypublic  $value= ''
Propertypublic  $vardef_handler= ''
inheritedInherited from: \SugarBean::$$vardef_handler


methodpublicACLAccess( \$view $view, \$is_owner $is_owner = 'not_set' ) : void

Check whether the user has access to a particular view for the current bean/module

Inherited from: \SugarBean::ACLAccess()
methodpublicACLFilterFields(  $view = 'detail' ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::ACLFilterFields()
methodpublicSugarBean( ) : void

Constructor for the bean, it performs following tasks:

Inherited from: \SugarBean::SugarBean()
methodpublicTaxRate( ) : void

methodpublic__clone( ) : void

Handle the following when a SugarBean object is cloned

Inherited from: \SugarBean::__clone()
methodpublic_get_num_rows_in_query( string $query, boolean $is_count_query = false ) : int

Returns the number of rows that the given SQL query should produce

Inherited from: \SugarBean::_get_num_rows_in_query()
methodpublicadd_address_streets( string $street_field ) : void

Combined the contents of street field 2 thru 4 into the main field

Inherited from: \SugarBean::add_address_streets()
methodpublicadd_list_count_joins( string $query, string $where ) : void

Add any required joins to the list count query. The joins are required if there is a field in the $where clause that needs to be joined.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::add_list_count_joins()
methodpublicadd_team_security_where_clause(  $query,  $table_alias = '',  $join_type = 'INNER',  $force_admin = false,  $join_teams = false ) : void

Add a join to the query to enforce the data returned will only be for teams to which this user has membership

Inherited from: \SugarBean::add_team_security_where_clause()
methodpublicafterImportSave( ) : void

Called during the import process after a bean save, to handle any needed post-save logic when importing a record

Inherited from: \SugarBean::afterImportSave()
methodpublicassign_display_fields(  $currentModule ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::assign_display_fields()
methodpublicbean_implements(  $interface ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::bean_implements()
methodpublicbeforeImportSave( ) : void

Called during the import process before a bean save, to handle any needed pre-save logic when importing a record

Inherited from: \SugarBean::beforeImportSave()
methodpublicbuild_generic_where_clause(  $the_query_string ) : void

builds a generic search based on the query string using or do not include any $this-> because this is called on without having the class instantiated

methodpublicbuild_related_in( string $query ) : void

Constructs an comma separated list of ids from passed query results.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::build_related_in()
methodpublicbuild_related_list( string $query, object $template, int $row_offset = 0, int $limit = -1 ) : array

This function is used to execute the query and create an array template objects from the resulting ids from the query.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::build_related_list()
methodpublicbuild_related_list2( string $query, object $template, array $field_list ) : array

Optionally copies values from fetched row into the bean.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::build_related_list2()
methodpublicbuild_related_list_where( string $query, object $template,  $where = '',  $in = '',  $order_by,  $limit = '',  $row_offset = 0 ) : void

This function is used to execute the query and create an array template objects from the resulting ids from the query.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::build_related_list_where()
methodpubliccall_custom_logic(  $event,  $arguments = null ) : void

Trigger custom logic for this module that is defined for the provided hook The custom logic file is located under custom/modules/[CURRENT_MODULE]/logic_hooks.php.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::call_custom_logic()
methodpubliccall_relationship_handler(  $target_base = "module_dir",  $return_handler = false ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::call_relationship_handler()
methodpubliccall_vardef_handler(  $meta_array_type = null ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::call_vardef_handler()
methodpubliccheck_date_relationships_load( ) : \this

This function retrieves a record of the appropriate type from the DB.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::check_date_relationships_load()
methodpubliccleanBean( ) : void

Cleans char, varchar, text, etc. fields of XSS type materials

Inherited from: \SugarBean::cleanBean()
methodpublicclear_product_taxrates_relationship(  $taxrates_id ) : void

methodpublicconvertField(  $fieldvalue,  $fieldDef ) : string

Converts the field value based on the provided fieldDef

Inherited from: \SugarBean::convertField()
methodpublicconvertRow( array $row ) : array

Convert row data from DB format to internal format Mostly useful for dates/times

Inherited from: \SugarBean::convertRow()
methodpubliccreateRelationshipMeta( string $key, object $db, string $tablename, array $dictionary, string $module_dir, boolean $iscustom = false ) : void

Populates the relationship meta for a module.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::createRelationshipMeta()
methodpubliccreate_audit_table( ) : void

If auditing is enabled, create the audit table.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_audit_table()
methodpubliccreate_export_query( string $order_by, string $where ) : string

Returns the query used for the export functionality for a module. Override this method if you wish to have a custom query to pull this data together instead

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_export_query()
methodpubliccreate_index(  $query ) : void

This is a helper function that is used to quickly created indexes when creating tables.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_index()
methodpubliccreate_list_count_query( string $query ) : string

Changes the select expression of the given query to be 'count(*)' so you can get the number of items the query will return. This is used to populate the upper limit on ListViews.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_list_count_query()
methodpubliccreate_new_list_query( string $order_by, string $where, array $filter = array(), array $params = array(), int $show_deleted = 0, string $join_type = '', boolean $return_array = false, object $parentbean = null, boolean $singleSelect = false,  $ifListForExport = false ) : String

Return the list query used by the list views and export button. Next generation of create_new_list_query function.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_new_list_query()
methodpubliccreate_notification_email( string $notify_user ) : void

This function handles create the email notifications email.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_notification_email()
methodpubliccreate_qualified_order_by( string $order_by, string $qualify ) : \prefixed

Ensure that fields within order by clauses are properly qualified with their tablename. This qualification is a requirement for sql server support.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_qualified_order_by()
methodpubliccreate_relationship_meta(  $key,  $db,  $log,  $tablename,  $dictionary,  $module_dir ) : void

This method has been deprecated.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_relationship_meta()
methodpubliccreate_tables( ) : void

Creates tables for the module implementing the class.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::create_tables()
methodpublicdecrypt_after_retrieve( STRING $value ) : string

Decode and decrypt a base 64 encoded string with field type 'encrypt' in this bean using Blowfish.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::decrypt_after_retrieve()
methodpublicdelete_linked( string $id ) : void

Iterates through all the relationships and deletes all records for reach relationship.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::delete_linked()
methodpublicdrop_tables( ) : void

Delete the primary table for the module implementing the class.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::drop_tables()
methodpublicencrpyt_before_save( STRING $value ) : string

Encrpyt and base64 encode an 'encrypt' field type in the bean using Blowfish. The default system key is stored in cache/Blowfish/{keytype}

Inherited from: \SugarBean::encrpyt_before_save()
methodpublicfill_in_additional_detail_fields( ) : void

This is designed to be overridden and add specific fields to each record.

methodpublicfill_in_additional_list_fields( ) : void

This is designed to be overridden and add specific fields to each record.

methodpublicfill_in_additional_parent_fields( ) : void

This is desgined to be overridden or called from extending bean. This method will fill in any parent_name fields.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::fill_in_additional_parent_fields()
methodpublicfill_in_link_field(  $linkFieldName,  $def ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::fill_in_link_field()
methodpublicfill_in_relationship_fields( ) : void

Fill in fields where type = relate

Inherited from: \SugarBean::fill_in_relationship_fields()
methodpublicfixUpFormatting( ) : void

Function corrects any bad formatting done by 3rd party/custom code

Inherited from: \SugarBean::fixUpFormatting()
methodpublicformat_all_fields( ) : void

This functions adds formatting to all number fields before presenting them to user interface.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::format_all_fields()
methodpublicformat_field(  $fieldDef ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::format_field()
methodpublicfromArray( Array $arr ) : void

Converts an array into an acl mapping name value pairs into files

Inherited from: \SugarBean::fromArray()
methodpublicgetACLCategory( ) : string

Returns the ACL category for this module; defaults to the SugarBean::$acl_category if defined otherwise it is SugarBean::$module_dir

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getACLCategory()
methodpublicgetAuditEnabledFieldDefinitions( ) : \an

Returns a list of fields with their definitions that have the audited property set to true.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getAuditEnabledFieldDefinitions()
methodpublicgetFieldDefinition( string $name ) : Array

Returns field definition for the requested field name.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getFieldDefinition()
methodpublicgetFieldDefinitions( ) : Array

Returns field definitions for the implementing module.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getFieldDefinitions()
methodpublicgetFieldValue( string $name ) : \varies

Returns the value for the requested field.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getFieldValue()
methodpublicgetIndices( ) : Array

Returns index definitions for the implementing module.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getIndices()
methodpublicgetObjectName( ) : \nothing

Returns the object name. If object_name is not set, table_name is returned.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getObjectName()
methodpublicgetOwnerField(  $returnFieldName = false ) : STRING

Get owner field

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getOwnerField()
methodpublicgetOwnerWhere( \GUID $user_id ) : STRING

Gets there where statement for checking if a user is an owner

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getOwnerWhere()
methodpublicgetPrimaryFieldDefinition( ) : Array

Returnss definition for the id field name.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getPrimaryFieldDefinition()
methodpublicgetRealKeyFromCustomFieldAssignedKey(  $name ) : void
methodpublicgetRelatedFields(  $module,  $id,  $fields,  $return_array = false ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getRelatedFields()
methodpublicgetTableName( ) : String

Returns the implementing class' table name.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::getTableName()
methodpublicget_audit_table_name( ) : String

Returns the name of the audit table.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_audit_table_name()
methodpublicget_custom_table_name( ) : String

Returns the name of the custom table.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_custom_table_name()
methodpublicget_default_taxrate_value(  $status = 'Active' ) : void

methodpublicget_full_list( string $order_by = "", string $where = "",  $check_dates = false, int $show_deleted = 0 ) : void

Returns a full (ie non-paged) list of the current object type.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_full_list()
methodpublicget_import_required_fields( ) : array

Returns an array of fields that are required for import

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_import_required_fields()
methodpublicget_importable_fields( ) : array

Returns an array of fields that are able to be Imported into i.e. 'importable' not set to 'false'

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_importable_fields()
methodpublicget_linked_beans( string $field_name,  $bean_name, array $sort_array = array(), int $begin_index = 0, int $end_index = -1, int $deleted = 0,  $optional_where = "" ) : void

Returns an array of beans of related data.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_linked_beans()
methodpublicget_linked_fields( ) : array

Returns an array of fields that are of type link.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_linked_fields()
methodpublicget_list_view_array( ) : void

Assigns all of the values into the template for the list view

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_list_view_array()
methodpublicget_list_view_data( ) : void

Override this function to set values in the array used to render list view data.

methodpublicget_notification_recipients( ) : void

Determines which users receive a notification

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_notification_recipients()
methodpublicget_related_fields( ) : array

Returns an array of fields that are of type relate.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_related_fields()
methodpublicget_related_list( object $child_seed, string $related_field_name, string $order_by = "", string $where = "",  $row_offset = 0,  $limit = -1,  $max = -1,  $show_deleted = 0 ) : array

Fetches data from all related tables.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_related_list()
methodpublicget_summary_text( ) : string

Returns the summary text that should show up in the recent history list for this object.

methodpublicget_taxrate_js(  $add_blank = false,  $status = 'Active' ) : void

methodpublicget_taxrates(  $add_blank = false,  $status = 'Active' ) : void

methodpublicget_union_related_list( \SugarBean $parentbean, string $order_by = "", string $sort_order = '', string $where = "",  $row_offset = 0,  $limit = -1,  $max = -1,  $show_deleted = 0,  $subpanel_def ) : void

Constructs a query to fetch data for supanels and list views

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_union_related_list()
methodpublicget_where( array $fields_array, boolean $deleted = true ) : string

Construct where clause from a list of name-value pairs.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::get_where()
methodpublichasCustomFields( ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::hasCustomFields()
methodpublichas_been_modified_since( \date $date, string $modified_user_id ) : void

Performs a check if the record has been modified since the specified date

Inherited from: \SugarBean::has_been_modified_since()
methodpublichas_calc_field_with_link( string $linkName = "" ) : bool

Tests if the current module has a calculated field with a link.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::has_calc_field_with_link()
methodpublicisFavoritesEnabled( ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::isFavoritesEnabled()
methodpublicisOwner( \GUID $user_id ) : boolean

Returns true of false if the user_id passed is the owner

Inherited from: \SugarBean::isOwner()
methodpublicis_AuditEnabled( ) : boolean

Return true if auditing is enabled for this object You would set the audit flag in the implemting module's vardef file.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::is_AuditEnabled()
methodpubliclist_view_parse_additional_sections(  $list_form ) : void

Let implementing classes to fill in row specific columns of a list view form

Inherited from: \SugarBean::list_view_parse_additional_sections()
methodpubliclistviewACLHelper( ) : ARRAY

Used in order to manage ListView links and if they should links or not based on the ACL permissions of the user

Inherited from: \SugarBean::listviewACLHelper()
methodpublicloadFromRow( array $arr ) : \nothing

Loads a row of data into instance of a bean. The data is passed as an array to this function

Inherited from: \SugarBean::loadFromRow()
methodpublicloadLayoutDefs( ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::loadLayoutDefs()
methodpublicload_relationship( string $rel_name ) : \nothing.

Loads the request relationship. This method should be called before performing any operations on the related data.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::load_relationship()
methodpublicload_relationships( ) : \Nothing

Loads all attributes of type link.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::load_relationships()
methodpublicmark_deleted(  $id ) : void

This function should be overridden in each module. It marks an item as deleted.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::mark_deleted()
methodpublicmark_relationships_deleted( int $id ) : void

This function deletes relationships to this object. It should be overridden to handle the relationships of the specific object.

methodpublicmark_undeleted(  $id ) : void

Restores data deleted by call to mark_deleted() function.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::mark_undeleted()
methodpublicparse_additional_headers(  $list_form,  $xTemplateSection ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::parse_additional_headers()
methodpublicpopulateDefaultValues(  $force = false ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::populateDefaultValues()
methodpublicpopulateRelatedBean( \SugarBean $newbean ) : void

Called from ImportFieldSanitize::relate(), when creating a new bean in a related module. Will copies fields over from the current bean into the related. Designed to be overriden in child classes.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::populateRelatedBean()
methodpublicpreprocess_fields_on_save( ) : void

This function processes the fields before save.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::preprocess_fields_on_save()
methodpublicprocess_detail_query( string $query, int $row_offset, int $limit = -1, int $max_per_page = -1, string $where = '', int $offset = 0 ) : array

Applies pagination window to select queries used by detail view, executes the query and returns fetched data.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_detail_query()
methodpublicprocess_full_list_query( string $query, boolean $check_date = false ) : array

Processes fetched list view data

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_full_list_query()
methodpublicprocess_list_query( string $query, int $row_offset, int $limit = -1, int $max_per_page = -1, string $where = '' ) : array

Processes the list query and return fetched row.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_list_query()
methodpublicprocess_order_by( string $order_by, \SugarBean $submodule = null ) : string

Prefixes column names with this bean's table name.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_order_by()
methodpublicprocess_special_fields( ) : void

This method is called during an import before inserting a bean Define an associative array called $special_fields the keys are user defined, and don't directly map to the bean's fields the value is the method name within that bean that will do extra processing for that field. example: 'full_name'=>'get_names_from_full_name'

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_special_fields()
methodpublicprocess_union_list_query( object $parent_bean, string $query, int $row_offset, int $limit = -1, int $max_per_page = -1, string $where = '', array $subpanel_def, string $query_row_count = '',  $secondary_queries = array() ) : array

Applies pagination window to union queries used by list view and subpanels, executes the query and returns fetched data.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_union_list_query()
methodpublicprocess_workflow_alerts( ) : void

Any alerts that have been placed into the session, be sure to process them.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::process_workflow_alerts()
methodpublicremoveRelationshipMeta( string $key, string $db, string $tablename, string $dictionary, string $module_dir ) : \Nothing

Removes relationship metadata cache.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::removeRelationshipMeta()
methodpublicremove_relationship_meta(  $key,  $db,  $log,  $tablename,  $dictionary,  $module_dir ) : void

This method has been deprecated.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::remove_relationship_meta()
methodpublicretrieve( string $id = -1, boolean $encode = true, boolean $deleted = true ) : void

Function fetches a single row of data given the primary key value.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::retrieve()
methodpublicretrieve_by_string_fields( array $fields_array, boolean $encode = true, boolean $deleted = true ) : object

Constructs a select query and fetch 1 row using this query, and then process the row

Inherited from: \SugarBean::retrieve_by_string_fields()
methodpublicretrieve_parent_fields( array $type_info ) : void

Returns parent record data for objects that store relationship information

Inherited from: \SugarBean::retrieve_parent_fields()
methodpublicretrieve_relationships(  $table,  $values,  $select_id ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::retrieve_relationships()
methodpublicsave( boolean $check_notify = FALSE ) : void

Implements a generic insert and update logic for any SugarBean This method only works for subclasses that implement the same variable names.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::save()
methodpublicsave_relationship_changes( boolean $is_update ) : void

This function is a good location to save changes that have been made to a relationship.

methodpublicsend_assignment_notifications( string $notify_user, string $admin ) : void

Handles sending out email notifications when items are first assigned to users

Inherited from: \SugarBean::send_assignment_notifications()
methodpublicsetDefaultTeam( ) : void

Set the given module's default team in SuagrCRM Professional

Inherited from: \SugarBean::setDefaultTeam()
methodpublicset_relationship(  $table,  $relate_values,  $check_duplicates = true,  $do_update = false,  $data_values = null ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::set_relationship()
methodpublicsetupCustomFields( string $module_name, boolean $clean_load = true ) : void

Loads the definition of custom fields defined for the module.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::setupCustomFields()
methodpublictoArray(  $dbOnly = false,  $stringOnly = false,  $upperKeys = false ) : array

returns this bean as an array

Inherited from: \SugarBean::toArray()
methodpublictrack_view( string $user_id, string $current_module, string $current_view = '' ) : void

Tracks the viewing of a detail record.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::track_view()
methodpublicunPopulateDefaultValues( ) : void

Basically undoes the effects of SugarBean::populateDefaultValues(); this method is best called right after object initialization.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::unPopulateDefaultValues()
methodpublicunformat_all_fields( ) : void

Removes formatting from values posted from the user interface.

Inherited from: \SugarBean::unformat_all_fields()
methodpublicupdateCalculatedFields( ) : void

Retrieves and executes the CF dependencies for this bean

Inherited from: \SugarBean::updateCalculatedFields()
methodpublicupdateDependentField( ) : void

Run any dependency that fields may have

Inherited from: \SugarBean::updateDependentField()
methodpublicupdateDependentFieldForListView(  $listview_def_main = '' ) : void
methodpublicupdateRelatedCalcFields(  $linkName = "" ) : void

Inherited from: \SugarBean::updateRelatedCalcFields()
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