Table a413a5b9.forecasts Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents
id char 36
timeperiod_id char 36  √  null
forecast_type varchar 100  √  null
opp_count int 5  √  null
pipeline_opp_count int 5  √  0
pipeline_amount decimal 26,6  √  0.000000
closed_amount decimal 26,6  √  0.000000
opp_weigh_value int 11  √  null
best_case decimal 26,6  √  null
likely_case decimal 26,6  √  null
worst_case decimal 26,6  √  null
user_id char 36  √  null
date_entered datetime 19  √  null
date_modified datetime 19  √  null
deleted bit 1  √  0
currency_id char 36  √  -99
base_rate decimal 26,6  √  null

Analyzed at Sat Jan 13 08:16 UTC 2018

Column(s) Type Sort
id Primary key Asc
user_id + timeperiod_id + date_modified Performance Asc/Asc/Asc

Close relationships  within of separation: