Table ab16ca1c.relationships Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents
id char 36
relationship_name varchar 150  √  null
lhs_module varchar 100  √  null
lhs_table varchar 64  √  null
lhs_key varchar 64  √  null
lhs_vname varchar 64  √  null
rhs_module varchar 100  √  null
rhs_table varchar 64  √  null
rhs_key varchar 64  √  null
rhs_vname varchar 64  √  null
join_table varchar 128  √  null
join_key_lhs varchar 128  √  null
join_key_rhs varchar 128  √  null
relationship_type varchar 64  √  null
relationship_role_column varchar 64  √  null
relationship_role_column_value varchar 50  √  null
reverse bit 1  √  0
deleted bit 1  √  0

Analyzed at Tue Mar 08 21:41 UTC 2016

Column(s) Type Sort
id Primary key Asc
relationship_name Performance Asc