Application configuration example

This is an example of a config that can be used in a sidecar application.

(function(app) {

     * Application configuration.
    app.augment('config', {

         * Application identifier.
         * @type {string}
        appId: 'portal',

         * Application environment. Possible values: `dev`, `test`, `prod`
         * @type {string}
        env: 'dev',

         * Flag indicating whether to output Sugar API debug information.
         * @type {boolean}
        debugSugarApi: true,

         * Logger configuration.
         * @type {Object} logger
         * @property {string} logger.level The logger level
         * @property {string} logger.formatter The formatter to use. Defaults to
         *   `SimpleFormatter`.
         * @property {string} logger.consoleWriter The writer to use for the client
         *   side. Defaults to `ConsoleWriter`.
         * @property {string} logger.serverWriter The writer to use for the server
         *  side. Defaults to `ServerWriter`.
        logger: {
            level: 'DEBUG',

         * Sugar REST server URL.
         * The URL can be relative or absolute.
         * @type {string}
        serverUrl: '../../sugarcrm/rest/v10',

         * Sugar site URL.
         * The URL can be relative or absolute.
         * @type {string}
        siteUrl: '../../sugarcrm',

         * Minimal server version a client is compatible with.
         * @type {string}
        minServerVersion: '6.6',

         * Server request timeout (in seconds).
         * @type {number}
        serverTimeout: 30,

         * Max query result set size.
         * @type {number}
        maxQueryResult: 20,

         * Max search query result set size (for global search)
         * @type {number}
        maxSearchQueryResult: 3,

         * A list of routes that don't require authentication (in addition to `login`).
         * @type {Array}
        unsecureRoutes: ['signup', 'error'],

         * Platform name.
         * @type {string}
        platform: 'portal',

         * Default module to load for the home route (index).
         * If not specified, the framework loads `home` layout for the module `Home`.
        defaultModule: 'Cases',

         * A list of metadata types to fetch by default.
         * @type {Array}
        metadataTypes: [],

         * The field and direction to order by.
         * For list views, the default ordering.
         *     orderByDefaults: {
         *         moduleName: {
         *             field: '<name_of_field>',
         *             direction: '(asc|desc)'
         *         }
         *     }
         * @type {Object}
        orderByDefaults: {
            Cases: {
                field: 'case_number',
                direction: 'asc',
            Bugs: {
                field: 'bug_number',
                direction: 'asc',
            Notes: {
                field: 'date_modified',
                direction: 'desc',

         * Hash of addtional views of the format below to init and render on app start
         *     additionalComponents: {
         *         viewName: {
         *             target: 'CSSDomselector'
         *         }
         *     }
         * @type {Object}
        additionalComponents: {
            header: {
                target: '#header',
            footer: {
                target: '#footer',

         * Alerts element selector.
         * @type {string}
        alertsEl: '#alerts',

         * Alert dismiss timeout in milliseconds.
         * @type {number}
        alertAutoCloseDelay: 9000,

         * Client ID for oAuth
         * Defaults to sugar other values are support_portal
         * @type {Array}
        clientID: 'sugar',

         * Syncs config from server on app start
         * Defaults to true otherwise set to false
         * @type {boolean}
        syncConfig: true,

         * Loads css dinamically when the app inits
         * Defaults to false otherwise set 'url' or 'text'
         * @type {string}
        loadCss: false,

         * Offline configuration.
        offline: {

             * Flag indicating if offline mode is enabled.
            enabled: false,

            debug: {
                 * Ignore app.config.offlineEnabled setting.
                ignoreEnabled: true,
                 * Render debug settings view.
                render: true,
                 * Drop db on app sync.
                forceMigrate: true,
                 * Force offline connection.
                online: true,
                 * Disable sync manager.
                syncManagerEnabled: true,
                 * Disable status monitor.
                monitorStatus: false,
                 * Emulate out-of-space situation.
                outOfSpace: false,

             * Minimum server version that is required by offline mode.
            minServerVersion: '7.1.5',

             * Flag indicating if HTTP throttling is enabled for read requests.
            httpThrottlingEnabled: true,

             * HTTP throttling timeout.
             * Repeated requests are ignored for the specified interval.
            httpThrottleTimeout: 5000, //(msec)

             * Size of HTTP throttling cache.
            httpThrottleCacheSize: 10,

             * List of modules to exclude from offline access.
            exclude: [],

             * Defines configuration for the 'static' data pre-fetching.
            prefetch: {

                 * Flag indicating if prefetching is enabled during app.sync.
                enabled: true,

                 * Specified number of records from static modules are prefetched from server after app sync.
                staticModules: {
                    Users: 20,
                    Teams: 20,
                    ProductCategories: 20,
                    ProductTypes: 40,
                    ProductTemplates: 20,
                    Manufacturers: 20,

                 * Default max threshold prefetched records per module
                maxThreshold: 20,

                 * Prefetching page size.
                pageSize: 20,

                 * Relationships prefetch section
                relationships: {
                    pageSize: 20,
                    maxThreshold: 100,

             * Storage provider.
            storageProvider: 'sql',

             * Storage provider.
            storageAdapter: 'webSql',

             * Database size, in megabytes.
            storageSize: 5,

             * Records purge interval (days).
            defaultPurgeInterval: 7,

             * Synchronization configuration.
            syncManager: {

                 * Flag indicating if synchronization is enabled.
                enabled: true,

                 * Period of synchronization iteration (seconds).
                syncTimeout: 10,

                 * List of synchronization workers.
                executors: {

                     * 'What is New?' synchronization.
                    wins: {

                         * Flag indicating if the worker is enabled.
                        enabled: true,
                         * Synchronization interval (seconds).
                        interval: 30,
                         * Synchronization priority (lowest value gets higher priority).
                        priority: 1,
                         * Maximum number of records to synchronize.
                        preSyncMaxRecords: 100,
                         * Page size for batch records update.
                        syncPageSize: 20,
                         * Page size for 'What is New?' request.
                        preSyncPageSize: 20,

                     * Transaction Log synchronization.
                    txLog: {

                         * Flag indicating if the worker is enabled.
                        enabled: true,

                         * Synchronization interval (seconds).
                        interval: 10,
                         * Synchronization priority (lowest value gets higher priority).
                        priority: 0,

             * Maximum size of result set for mixed collection (search).
            maxMixedCollectionQueryResult: 30,

             * Offline status monitor interval, ms
            monitorTimeout: 2000,

             * How ofter a user will see the cleanup confirmation dialog, ms
            cleanupConfirmationInterval: 60000,

    }, false);
