
Plugin manager.


const PluginManager = require('core/plugin-manager');

PluginManager.register('fast-click-highlight', ['view', 'field'], {
    color : "red",
    events: {
        'click .fast-click-highlighted': 'onClickItem'
    onClickItem: function(e) {

    // The onAttach function will be called every time the plugin is
    // attached to a new component. It will be executed from the scope of
    // the component being attached to.
    //Applied after the plugin has been mixed into the component.
    onAttach: function(component, plugin) {
        this.on('render', function(){
            //same as plugin.color and component.$el.css
            this.$el.css('color', this.color);

If you want to use the current plugin for a view, you have to declare the plugin in it:

const ViewManager = require('view/view-manager');
var MyView = ViewManager.View.extend({
    initialize: function(options) {},
    plugins: ['fast-click-highlight'],

// or

$plugins: [{
    'fast-click-highlight': {
        events: {
            'click article' : 'onClickItem'

onClickItem: function() {

If you want to disable a plugin, you have to use the disabledPlugins property as in the following example:

var MyView = ViewManager.View.extend({
    initialize: function(options) {},
    disabledPlugins: ['fast-click-highlight'],


# (static) plugins

A hash map containing all registered plugins.


# (static) attach(component, type)

Attaches a plugin to a view.

Name Type Description
component View/Component | Data/Bean | Data/BeanCollection

The component.

type string

The component type. Can be one of the following: 'view', 'layout', 'field', 'model' or 'collection'.

# (static) detach(component, type)

Detaches plugins and calls the onDetach method on each one.

Name Type Description
component View/Component | Data/Bean | Data/BeanCollection

The component.

type string

The component type. Can be one of the following: 'view', 'layout', 'field', 'model' or 'collection'.

# (static) register(name, validTypes, plugin)

Registers a plugin.

Name Type Description
name string

The plugin name.

validTypes string | Array.<string>

The list of component types this plugin can be applied to ('view', 'field', 'layout', 'model' and/or 'collection').

plugin Object

The plugin object.